Big Strength Issue!


New Member
First, it is important to note that just did my 2nd workout of 5 reps this week of my 1st cycle of HST. The problem is, although a very "good" problem, my strength has dramatically increased... This has rendered my pre-determined weights useless.

For example, at the start of HST my 10 rep max for flat bench was 230 lbs. i can now bench 255 10x as opposed to the original 5 reps. All of my 5 weights are too light, but it varies between excersises.

Tricep pushdowns i had a 10 rep max of 200 lbs. Today 230 felt light, and i was able to pump them out 16x!!!

WTF??? of course im quite happy to have gained 5 lbs getting up to 188 lbs and dropping my bodyfat from 12% to 2%, but now im all confused as to wut weights i should be using for all of my excersises, for theyre all too light...

Any1 have any ideas? I'm really in a jam and i don't like just going to the gym and guessing as to what weights i should be using. Any help would be appreciated.
You dropped to 2% bf and your strength skyrocketed?

Obviously your diet is all wrong. I recommend prioritizing bad fats and simple carbs. Also, change your rep scheme to 100 to 150 reps per set with at least 12 sets per body part.

I'm sure we can help you remedy this situation. Try the above and ring back next year.

Best of luck.

Obviously Old & Grey is joking, hope you can read into that!

Skyrocketting strength is one of the side effcets of HST specially if you are a novice, however let me caution you:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">First, it is important to note that just did my 2nd workout of 5 reps this week of my 1st cycle of HST. The problem is, although a very &quot;good&quot; problem, my strength has dramatically increased... This has rendered my pre-determined weights useless.</div>

Not so, my friend, not quite useless, this happens and its a good thing, If it was at the last w/o of 5's then I'd say, start adding on 5 - 10 % untill you feel confortable, but you still have 4 w/o's to go, the only other thing that migh have happened is that you miss-calculated your 5RM weights erring tyo the lower side and thus the light feel.

My suggestion is you go on, without getting excited, untill you reach weights beyond you 5RM, the negative part of the cycle, if you do not have a partner, then switch to Max-stimualtion for example where you can manipulate weights greater than your 5 RM by using M-Time, another option is 5 x 5, but for now I suggest max-stim.

You may just find that one you get to the last workout the weights start feeling a lot heavier.

Try it!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You may just find that one you get to the last workout the weights start feeling a lot heavier.</div>

I also hav a feeling that might be the case. Also the 2 examples i gave above are the 2 excersises where i've increased the most, so it may not be the case with everything. So i'll continue as planned and do the negatives, etc.

You'll find that HST when done for the first time is very different from other programs:

1 - Whole body and not split

2 - A certain amount of zigzag occurs which will have you doing weights for 10's during 5's, a well designed program would only have about 1 w/o with previously used weights or very close to it, but some do have 2, in which case the w/o's you doing for 5's initailly are using weights of the 10's (if this makes sense).

You'll soon find your self in much harder territory and you need to be prepared for that, essentially that is what HST does, it prepares your body for the heavy loads, strength increases are part and parcel of a person new to the program, this does slow down after about 5 or 6 programmes, say within ayear or so, you can score strength increases but don't be surprised when things slow down, it only means you're close to your strength &quot;ceiling&quot;.
yea i got yah, and i have been zigzagging weights from 15s to 10s to 5s, etc, altho its usually only been for 1 or 2 workouts. Hopefully i continue to improve week in and week out.
I'm more interested in how you go from 12% to 2% and gain 5 lbs of body weight, which requires a muscle gain of 23 lbs and a fat loss of 18 pounds, all in less than 5 weeks. This is truly amazing.
(Old and Grey @ Apr. 16 2008,7:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm more interested in how you go from 12% to 2% and gain 5 lbs of body weight, which requires a muscle gain of 23 lbs and a fat loss of 18 pounds, all in less than 5 weeks. This is truly amazing.</div>
I would look to errors in measurement, seeing as how 2% bodyfat isn't possible unless you are dead.
(Old and Grey @ Apr. 16 2008,7:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm more interested in how you go from 12% to 2% and gain 5 lbs of body weight, which requires a muscle gain of 23 lbs and a fat loss of 18 pounds, all in less than 5 weeks. This is truly amazing.</div>
As Tot said, there must be some errors in measurement. I have never heard of an individual below 3% body fat. Personally, I become victim of under estimating my body fat percentage time and time again as my latest log can attest.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 16 2008,9:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Old and Grey @ Apr. 16 2008,7:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm more interested in how you go from 12% to 2% and gain 5 lbs of body weight, which requires a muscle gain of 23 lbs and a fat loss of 18 pounds, all in less than 5 weeks. This is truly amazing.</div>
As Tot said, there must be some errors in measurement.  I have never heard of an individual below 3% body fat.  Personally, I become victim of under estimating my body fat percentage time and time again as my latest log can attest.</div>
Colby, you definitely underestimate also! Its really hard to get an accurate estimate anyway.

I'm like quadancer, the mirror is the best judge, only two numbers: lean, or not lean!
Alls i know is i have a personal trainer take my bodyfat with a caliper (spelling?).... At 165 i was 6% during wrestling season, then getting up to 180 -185 at 12%. Now, according to the same man who has been taking my bodyfat percentages for the past 2 years, sais my measurements are coming out to 10%. Not saying it's 100% accurate, just saying that my bodyfat is being taken the same way everytime.
Body Weight (BW) - In pounds
Factor 1 - (BW x 1.082)+94.42
Factor 2 - ([Waist in inches] x 4.15])
Lean Weight (LW) - (Factor 1 - Factor 2)
Fat Weight (FW) - (BW - LW)
Body Fat % - (FW x 100)/BW

Now I am not saying that it is good, I believe a 9 point equation done with the body calipers is a bit more accurate, but is close enough!
(pietran30 @ Apr. 16 2008,9:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My mistake, i meant a 2% decrease, because im floatin in the 10% range right now, not 2 lol.</div>
That makes more sense but refutes the widely held (but not by me) theory that no one can gain LBM and lose fat at the same time.

As long as the measurement method is consistent, it does not matter how &quot;right&quot; the actual number is. You are more interested in the amount of improvement at this point in your lifting.
(Joe.Muscle @ Apr. 16 2008,9:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are dead at 2%!</div>
Yeah, but you'd make a great looking corpse!  

&quot;He looks so natural.&quot;

&quot;Well, of course: he never used steroids...&quot;
(pietran30 @ Apr. 16 2008,9:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I forgot to add, because now you have me curious lol, does any1 kno of any good formulas for taking your bodyfat %?</div>
although im hoping to reach 10% bf, i usually and somewhat inaccurately use the mirror to guess bf. i think thats what counts the most not the actual figure, unless your competing.