Big Strength Issue!

Your strength sky rocketing is nothing unusual especially if you are new to HST or have taken a break from working out then get right back to doing HST. Happens to me all the time.

Dont believe the weight is useless if its light, as long as you are feeling your muscle getting worked you are fine. If it feels like a feather than bump up a bit.

Your proceeding cycles after this will get very difficult after you retake your maxes (if you do at all.)
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">although im hoping to reach 10% bf, i usually and somewhat inaccurately use the mirror to guess bf. i think thats what counts the most not the actual figure, unless your competing. </div>

That's true, your biggest cridic tends to be yourself. I find that as long as my abs are still somewhat visible i'm in ok shape. Past that point is when i need to start to cut down.