Bodyfat and HST


New Member
I am 6'1 224 lbs.. and close to around 25% bodyfat.
Most ALLLLLLL of it is around the abdominal region.. (dunlap syndrome)

I have read through the FAQ and lots of posts and cant quite seem to get the answer I am looking for..
With The HST my goal is size..But With my bodyfat my goal is to be rid of it..
Should I keep my calorie intake at a deficit, surplus, or maintenance..

I guess my question is..lose fat, gain muscle, or try and do both at once?

I really really really want some good LBM gains but I am tired of the spare tire...

thanks for the input!
that's right. Joe is right.... first get rid of the fat.... one step at a time.... if you bulk up on top of your 25% you will end up above 30% and that is obese already..... at 25% you will need to get rid of approx 34lbs and if you have a 500 calorie deficit per day it will take you about 34 weeks.....7-8 months.... if you go to 1000 calories deficit per day then is 3.5-4 months... but run the risk of losing some muscles, not a big deal though, I would go to this last option.
Joe's approach is not too bad.

Here is a more creative one, stay at maintenance, develop a good basic HST program with mostly compounds include isolations only from the 5's.

Do tabata or HIIT on off days, and keep going your BF will slowly get right!
agree with fausto on this one stay at maintanence do more cardio.hiit,tabata.slow steady,
Rip - You have almost the exact stats i started with back in september. I was about 230 pounds also 6'1", and 26-27% body fat. I cut first, but i didn't use HST. I didn't know about it back then. I lost 40 lbs in 4 months using a 20% calorie deficit, cardio, and lifting weights. Lost a little muscle but not much. I got down to 185 and about 13-15% body fat. I am now at 213 and 14-16% body fat.

What matters here is consistancy. Whatever path you choose just stick with it and chart your progress. I would advise not to do an all out bulk yet though. As its been said the more fat you have the more likely you will just add fat and not muscle. Running at maintenance is a good choice, but you won't be able to see the progress on the scale as easily so make sure you take reliable consistant body fat measurements to keep you going in the right direction.

personally if i had to do it all over again i would do it the same way. Cut then bulk. I might even cut a little further than I did.
I think I will try the 500 calorie deficit....
Then tweak it to where weight loss is optimal and muscle loss is minimal..

I sure wish that it didnt take so long but anything worth having is worth working and waiting for.
After looking at the Tabata I am quite interested...
I will more than likely use this method.

The methods I saw were front squats with 20 sec. maximum reps and 10 sec. breaks. 4 min. total.

Would that not overtrain my muscle considering I have squats and deadlifts on my HST days?

any personal fave tabata routines?
I do an 8 exercise circuit.

press ups
sit ups
pull ups
military press
bent over row

It kills me.
I do tabata 2-3 times a week using sprints and front squats. It's important when you do them.

I do HST MWF with squats, deads, rows, dips, chins, bench, OH press and front squats (I alternate A & B workouts i.e., squats MF, deads Wed. etc). I do olympic lifting TuThSat and use sprints on Tue right after lifting, I do tabata front squats on Thursday and Saturday. If I do them on Tuesday it takes away from my deadlifting.

I'm cutting and focusing on strength this cycle and all my lifts are up and there is no sign of overtraining after 5 weeks and I'm essentially squatting 6 days a week.

As long as you don't go to failure and keep the volume in check you should be fine.
I started HST mostly for my upperbody. My legs grow regardless of what I do.
Anyway, b4 starting HST, I was squatting 5 days a week for about one year. I never went above 175 lbs and did at least 50 reps spread out through my entire workout--------> I never went to failure.

It works fine an if you ride bike it is a GREAT workout. The legs will cut clarence bass.
if your doing weights i would suggest tabata on ,a bike.stepper,cross trainer ,punchbag,or running on the road, also hiit cardio is good.
Faz is right!

Tabata on anything else (like weights for example is utter madness, IMO, unless of course you like 1/2 killing yourself with cardio).

For me I do it on stationary bike or punching bag, it is as good as it gets.
I cut too hard (pre-HST) last year.. went from 215 at 21% (estimate) to 181 at 14% in 5 months, but I also lost 15 lbs of muscle which sucked.

Do some type of high frequency HST cycle... throw in HIIT on off days if you have any.. do tabata, count your calories... and you may not have to diet because of the workload.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> and you may not have to diet because of the workload. </div>

Exactly my point! However I think in my case I may have to step up the workload, I am on about 14% or so but this little bit left on my belly, just does not want to go away!

I can however see most of my upper abs, so far it is a 4 pack, not exactly what I want though
what a coincidence, we are in the same situation..... I am even at 12% my top 4 well defined the last 2 so so.... therefore, I decided to see your profile.... and surprise, there is a comon variable that makes the difference.... AGE !!!!, he he he... we are FU in that respect, he he he.... so, I have seen that we need to go further down 2% to be comparable to the young guns.

I ain't a dinossaur just yet, I think my worst enemy is procrastination, even though I am highly motivated and disciplined about my workouts!

You know I did not see my actual BF for a while, could be lower now, but yep, in the same boat alright!

Que hacier ahora?
Now, I just had my lunch at work, so, it is when I check my mail and forum..... Fausto, I am having a problem and I would like some advice...... I've been having cycles of bulking up and cutting... whenever I bulk up I get big and 12-13% BF.... and think... HS, finally I got it... let's cut a little bit..... no sooner have I lost 2-3 lbs when it looks like somebody pinched me with a needle and puff out and off the air goes and the remaining added muscle is &quot;marginal&quot;.... to tell you the truth, I am getting sick and tired of that..... do you think it could be beneficial if I try to hit my calories at the maintenance level all the time and see what happens with my body composition ??..... It will be easy for me to control the calories to the unit because I use s software and I am very disciplined about it; not even my wife cooks my meal....then, my intention is if by doing this I still lose weight then I will increase the calories 1 notch.... how does that sound ??

If you get to a point whereby adding a little you see improvement, you have found your normal level!

There is a consensus that you cannot have the best of both worlds, but you know what?

I think there is a way where one can gain muscle and very little fat along with it!

Colby seems to have this down to the T, and he reports only having put 0.2 lbs of fat along with 3 lbs of muscle, but he is managing his intake daily and counting calories Intake as well as Output.

At the end of the day, it gets down to that, count calories and to gain the best quality muscle and little fat your input/output should be controlled daily!

We Latins work damn hard but lack on the food control,
I think.

There is a good program that you can use to check your calory intake, and Colby's worksheet, mailme as these are too big to send.