''I like that. If they BELIEVE you're not natural, but you ARE, you've achieved success! I coulda KISSED that last guy who asked me if I was on juice!''
Yo quad, I hear you thats definitely a big compliment, you do look massive! When i see an impressive physiqe you always wonder, im reluctant to ask though in case you get a totally indignant response like how dare you, i would never cheat. I personally am more interested in the natural guys because I would never take steroids so it gives me an indication of where i could be in a couple months time. Im always interested to know how big and ripped you can get without using steroids.
Yo quad, I hear you thats definitely a big compliment, you do look massive! When i see an impressive physiqe you always wonder, im reluctant to ask though in case you get a totally indignant response like how dare you, i would never cheat. I personally am more interested in the natural guys because I would never take steroids so it gives me an indication of where i could be in a couple months time. Im always interested to know how big and ripped you can get without using steroids.