Looks like I'll be buying 150 watts light bulbs from now on and some shades
(only 11 men were tested but hey it worth a shot)
Bright Light
Health - Reuters
Bright Light May Boost Testosterone in Men
Wed Apr 30, 1:43 PM ET
By Linda Carroll
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - An extra hour of bright light can lift the levels of a pituitary
hormone that enhances testosterone in men, a new study shows.
Researchers found that men who were exposed to an hour of bright light before sunrise
experienced an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone produced in the brain's
pituitary gland.
LH influences reproductive hormones in both men and women. Increases in LH in men drive
up testosterone levels, while the hormone triggers ovulation in women.
The new findings, published in the journal Neuroscience Letters, show that testosterone could
be enhanced simply by extra hours of bright light, said study author Dr. Daniel F. Kripke, a
professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego.
"There are many possible beneficial effects of increased testosterone," Kripke told Reuters
Health. "Studies have shown that it may help with depression. It can improve libido. And
there may be a muscle-building and strengthening effect."
Light also impacts women's reproductive cycles, Kripke said. In an earlier study, his group
showed that when women with long and irregular menstrual cycles were exposed to bright
light, the cycles regularized.
"We had some indication then that it was working through luteinizing hormone," the
researcher said.
For the new study, Kripke and his colleagues studied 11 healthy young men who were
between the ages of 19 and 30, dividing participants into two groups.
In the first part of the study, both groups were awakened at 5
0 am and exposed to either a
bright light of approximately 150 watts or a low-wattage red light.
During the second part, the groups were switched, so that the men who were exposed to bright
light in the first part were then exposed to low light, and vice versa.
The men's LH levels were tested before and after exposure to the lights.
The researchers found that the men showed a 69-percent increase in LH levels after exposure
to bright light.
In the report, they note that sexual problems such as low libido are known to be part of
depression, as well as a side effect of antidepressant medications.
"It is theoretically possible," they write, "that light exposure, which increases LH secretion, will
alleviate sexual dysfunctions in depressed patients."
They suggest that studies like the current one be repeated in people with depression.
SOURCE: Neuroscience Letters 2003;341:25-28.

(only 11 men were tested but hey it worth a shot)
Bright Light
Health - Reuters
Bright Light May Boost Testosterone in Men
Wed Apr 30, 1:43 PM ET
By Linda Carroll
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - An extra hour of bright light can lift the levels of a pituitary
hormone that enhances testosterone in men, a new study shows.
Researchers found that men who were exposed to an hour of bright light before sunrise
experienced an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone produced in the brain's
pituitary gland.
LH influences reproductive hormones in both men and women. Increases in LH in men drive
up testosterone levels, while the hormone triggers ovulation in women.
The new findings, published in the journal Neuroscience Letters, show that testosterone could
be enhanced simply by extra hours of bright light, said study author Dr. Daniel F. Kripke, a
professor of psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego.
"There are many possible beneficial effects of increased testosterone," Kripke told Reuters
Health. "Studies have shown that it may help with depression. It can improve libido. And
there may be a muscle-building and strengthening effect."
Light also impacts women's reproductive cycles, Kripke said. In an earlier study, his group
showed that when women with long and irregular menstrual cycles were exposed to bright
light, the cycles regularized.
"We had some indication then that it was working through luteinizing hormone," the
researcher said.
For the new study, Kripke and his colleagues studied 11 healthy young men who were
between the ages of 19 and 30, dividing participants into two groups.
In the first part of the study, both groups were awakened at 5

bright light of approximately 150 watts or a low-wattage red light.
During the second part, the groups were switched, so that the men who were exposed to bright
light in the first part were then exposed to low light, and vice versa.
The men's LH levels were tested before and after exposure to the lights.
The researchers found that the men showed a 69-percent increase in LH levels after exposure
to bright light.
In the report, they note that sexual problems such as low libido are known to be part of
depression, as well as a side effect of antidepressant medications.
"It is theoretically possible," they write, "that light exposure, which increases LH secretion, will
alleviate sexual dysfunctions in depressed patients."
They suggest that studies like the current one be repeated in people with depression.
SOURCE: Neuroscience Letters 2003;341:25-28.