Bryan Routine


Active Member
Bryan says for his routine he uses 2 sets per exercise. So say for Chest does he do 4 sets a day, like 2 sets for chest in morning and 2 in evening? Or is it 1 set in morning and 1 in the evening? I got confused on his total sets per week for his bodyparts...I only ask this b/c he is a condition lifter like myself and i was seeing what kind of volume he uses per week for this muscle groups.
Does anyone know?
he say 2sets per exercise so squat is 1 exercise leg press is four sets per day if on an am pm split...joe it doesnt really matter as long as you can handle it.
Yeah as Faz said... go by feel. Joe, I'm sure that you know that the number of reps and sets aren't concrete numbers that you have to hit.
Yeah I understand the principals on reps and sets.

Its like anything else though curiousity will kill a cat, at least for me. I have my routine that I Love but I am like a lot of americans i guess.. :D

You put Vin diesal or Sly Stallone on a cover and talk about his workout and just like everyone else I cant wait to open the book and see there routine....which I know by now with 11 years of training its know different than anyone else's really..hehe

Just curious to see what kind of volume the chosen one was using himself...hehe.

In fitness and friendship!


Like most people who aren't getting ready for a show or something, my volume goes up or down depending on my work schedule. Right at the moment I'm working too much and so my training has suffered.

I would say right now I'll do 1 exercise per bodypart using 2-3 sets (more if I have time). I also alternate between different exercises each time I workout. So one workout I'll do Incline press for chest and the next workout I'll do Dips. Same goes for Back and legs.

If I'm pressed for time, rather than reduce the number of sets I do, I'll reduce the number of exercises. So, for example, rather than doing only one set for each bodypart, I'll drop arms in favor of more sets for chest and back.

On a side note, for me I don't really start growing until I get to the 10s and 5s. I don't skip the 15s however because my 5s are a bit heavy for my old bones and I need the rehab during the 15s so I can keep at it year after year.

You can be confident that I train by the exact same principles as everybody else doing HST.