Building muscle


New Member
Is it true that having a higher level of bodyfat makes it more difficult to put on muscle without adding a bunch more fat? I heard somewhere that if you already have a good amount of fat your body will want to put more fat on rather than muscle. I'm around 14% BF but want to get bigger, that's why I'm asking.
If you have 14% body fat, why do you care? That is low.
I have never heard that but my guess would be this... People with high amounts of body fat put on weight easy, because they are most likely endomorphic. So if they don't watch their diet, they will add fat easier than a mesomorph or an ectomorph. But they also put on muscle easier (I'm pretty sure), so it's kind of a trade off.
14% means it doesn't pertain to you though.
Hey :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Is it true that having a higher level of bodyfat makes it more difficult to put on muscle without adding a bunch more fat?

Nope, don't worry. It's just that generally, when you try to add muscle courtesy of a bulking cycle, you also often add much fat, so if you are already a bit fat, you end up getting fatter, but not at the expense of muscle. You also build muscle, except that it's harder to see (talking about definition) thanks to the fat.

And 14% isn't fat. You're okay :)

Endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic don't really exist. . . .not on the scale people refer to them. You can look a certain way, but that's not your body type...

Look at the difference b/t Arnold when he's 15, then 19/20, then 25...he goes from ecto to slightly endo to meso . . . it's appearance, not bodytype.