caffeine Strategic Deconditioning


New Member
I know you want your SD to get your CNS to completely recover. This may be a dumb question but I am not the best with science....Would caffeine/other stimulants be bad on SD since they stimulate the CNS? if so should you avoid it at all costs?
I know you want your SD to get your CNS to completely recover. This may be a dumb question but I am not the best with science....Would caffeine/other stimulants be bad on SD since they stimulate the CNS? if so should you avoid it at all costs?

Caffeine will not interfere with SD. Your best bet to minimize the effects of caffeine or any stimulant is to keep it consistent. If you do feel you need to reduce your caffeine intake wait until you start your next SD.
ok thank more question: i have a job where i am on my feet for 6 hours straight, no heavy lifting though. I work 4 days a week. Should i take a longer SD because of this or is the 9 days sufficient?
ok thank more question: i have a job where i am on my feet for 6 hours straight, no heavy lifting though. I work 4 days a week. Should i take a longer SD because of this or is the 9 days sufficient?
Can you take a SD from your job? :)
hahaha i will be soon (im just working this while i am away at college) i get to sit on my ass for an internship all summer :)
No, standing is a part of life and you should not try to SD from it. You should be aware however that because of this and the overall amount of muscle mass in our legs, they require higher volume of work to get the same anabolic response from training.
No, standing is a part of life and you should not try to SD from it. You should be aware however that because of this and the overall amount of muscle mass in our legs, they require higher volume of work to get the same anabolic response from training.

Particularly true of calves. Most people think of calves as stubborn but that's really just because they are so well conditioned to doing a ton of work. (If you do a handstand and see how long you can hold it before you start to feel really heavy it makes you realise how much work your calves do without you even thinking about it.) Even though I wasn't blessed genetically with a lot of calf size, once I trained them with heavy loads for more sets, as well as adding in metabolic work, they finally started to grow.