(jwbond @ Oct. 24 2007,20:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On my low carb days I have...
1/2 cup oats
1 scoop muscle milk
1 scoop whey
5g creatine
(all in a blender)
Wheat tortilla w/ 23 net carbs
8oz turkey breast
light sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese
Post W/O:
40g whey
30g dextrose
5g creatine
2 fish filets (tilapia, salmon, mahi-mahi, chilean sea-bass, or tuna)
green peas
On my "carb-up" days...
3-4 eggs
3-4 slices canadian bacon
4 slices of toast
10 inch hoagie/sub or pasta & meatballs (large portion of pasta)
Post W/O:
40g whey
50g dextrose
5g creatine
Pasta & Meatballs (large portion of pasta)
Night Snack:
Cottage cheese w/ .5-1 cup of berries
I lose definition on the carb ups and would like to avoid it. Think it could be additional sodium, or is it simply additional water retention from the carbs?</div>
Meatballs&bacon&whole eggs carb-up foods do not be. Carb-up!="cheat" day(screw you Mauro di Pasquale for instilling the idea that carbing up on Pizza and doughnuts is optimal

The premise of a carb-up is that you're fairly carb-depleted(good stuff like enzyme upregulation and preferential partitioning of nutrients towards muscle happens in this case). Now, depleting to any significant extent requires a somewhat extensive ammount of exercise(how are you training?). It's also best that one does a full-body-workout before the carb-up(before as in start carbing exactly after the workout).
Fat should be around 50g per 24-hour period when carbing-up, and preferably from mono and polyunsaturated sources like olive oil, almonds etc. Fructose and sucrose aren't your friends here, glucose and glucose polymers and starches are. So that dextrose should be handy, just like you should find your passion for pasta, white bread, rice, corn flakes and so on. Subjectively, one should stop carbing when water-retention/bloating becomes apparent(well, actually, before that but it's kindof hard

Don't train on the carb-up, try to do a power/heavy workout the day after. So try doing these things and see what happens.