cardio and HST


New Member
I'm getting back into the groove of hst again from a hiatus and wanted to see the best way of working cardio in with strength training. When i last did hst i had been training 6 days a week with upper body mon, wed, fri and lower body tue, thurs, sat.. i've been doing a lot of running lately as that is all i was able to do through moving/marriage/and just plain being busy..

i dont' really have the time in the day to do an AM/PM split, which is why i did the 6 day routine as i haven't had many problems with recovery or fatigue (just in the beginning of working out after a long time).. when would be the best to do cardio (nothing too drastic, like a half hour of running)??

any tips would be greatly appreciated
Man...your best bet, if you're doing weights 6x week is to fit it in at least 8 hours apart.

If you doing the normal 3 x wekk then on off days it is just dandy
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just do it after your weights...</div>

You mean that Bryan? Would that not get too much if done after training on the same day?
Bryan knows his stuff or I wouldn't have made my best gains ever doing his program.

However, I've got to agree with what fausto said here. Separate the cardio and the weights by as much as possible. Separate days is best, but eight hours apart is a close second. You don't want to let catabolism set in from the cardio done too close to your weights.