cardio while bulking for clean gains


New Member
i am currently 2.5 weeks into my bulking cycle (.5 through the first week of the 10s) i am doing a 6 day schedule, two different days done at 5:30pm Mon-Sat. Like everyone bulking I want to get the leanest gains possible. I am adding a little more fat then desired. I started creatine again at the begining of the cycle, which I am hoping that the added water retention is giving me the slightly fatter look.

My question is, will i obtain leaner gains by:

1) keeping my diet as is, but adding cardio m,w,f?


2) cutting down fat in my diet, but not adding any cardio
(I could easily cut out a couple hundred calories daily by lowering fat content)

I have heard that cardio helps to create more blood flow feeding the muscles better. is this another falicy in our sport or is there some truth to this?
I would probably opt for 2. 6x a week lifting plus 3x cardio seems too much to me. Besides, you will be having a hard time getting in enough calories to bulk if you choose option 1.

High frequency works well for cutting, at least for me (you burn a lot of calories even without doing cardio). I don't think that lack of cardio is your problem. Monitor your diet closely for a while and cut back a little if you seem to be gaining too much fat.

After years of lifting I have come to believe that diet is literally EVERYTHING in bodybuilding. Best of luck.
Hello jwbond :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
cutting down fat in my diet, but not adding any cardio
(I could easily cut out a couple hundred calories daily by lowering fat content)
That's not really the best of ideas. You see, cutting out fat will not make you leaner. In fact, take in more fats when you are cutting!
Of course, I mean take in more of the good fats, the essential fats like Omega 3 and 6, and in the right proportion. Remember: You need good fats to remove fats!
Hope this helps. Good luck!  :)
- JV
Cardio will help, but I would keep it to moderate intensity for no more than 30 mins/day while trying to bulk. The cardio does two things, helps mobilize fat stores and most importantly uses more energy than if you weren't. Moderate intensity won't mess with glycogen stores much either.