CC's HST Cutting Log


New Member
I thought I'd post my log updates here to help keep my motivation up, and to get input from you guys. Here is what I have (backdated).

Dec 29, 2005: His what it looks like:

Set A:........................................Set B:
Leg Press....................................Dead Lift
Incline Press (15 deg)....................Dips
Military Press...............................DB Shoulder Press
Pull Ups......................................Seated Rows
Curls DB......................................Curls BB
Shrugs.......................................Standing Calves
Lying Tri Extensions......................Reverse Tri Pull-down

Sets A and B will be performed Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturday. One will be AM, the other PM. Hopefully I will at the minimum preserve my existing muscle with this program.

Jan 2, 2006: Aerobic work, 30 minutes PM.

Jan 3, 2006: HST, AM/PM split.

It went unbelievably fast, in and out in under 30 minutes. The weight is very light, but I just take it slow, and try to feel the burn. I can already see that next time around, I will start at 70% RM, then, work up to 100%, instead of incrementing from the top to the bottom.

Pre-workout, my stats are:

Height: 70”
Weight: 195
BF%: 11.4 (Bio-electrical Impedance)

Jan 4, 2006: Aerobic work, AM/PM split, both 30 minutes.

Jan 5, 2006: HST, AM/PM split.

Jan 6, 2006: Aerobic work, AM/PM split, both 30 minutes.

Jan 7, 2006: HST, AM/PM split.

Jan 8, 2006: Rest day. I also overfed on carbs today.

Jan 9, 2006: Aerobic work, 30 minutes AM/PM.

Week 1 is now fully complete. Vital stats are as follows:

Weight: 193.0 lbs
BF: 11.0 %
Energy burned during aerobic work: 1930 kcal
AVG daily kcals intake: 2528 kcal

So, with 2lbs lost, and a decrease of .4% body fat, it is apparent that my energy intake calculations are fairly accurate.

Jan 15, 2006: Rest day. This week was identical to the previous.

Week 2 is now complete. Vital stats are as follows:

Weight: 189.5 lbs
BF: 10.2 %
Energy burned during aerobic work: 2138 kcal
AVG daily kcals intake: 2573 kcal

With 3.5 lbs lost this week, and an approx decrease of .8% body fat, I realize I need to reduce my aerobic work (from now on I will call it ESW) down a little. I think I will increase my PM ESW to around 45 minutes, and eliminate the morning work. We will see if this works better. My max weight loss per week should be about 1.5- 2 lbs maximum.

If my calculations are correct, I have already lost 3 lbs of muscle, which is garbage. I guess that is the reason for this test run.
As you can see above, I have had less than desirable results. I was hoping not to lose 3 lbs of muscle over the entire course of my cut. The way I figure it is:

195.0 lbs @ .114 BF = 173 lbs FFM
189.5 lbs @ .102 BF = 170 lbs FFM

Any suggestions?

My diet is about 40% protein, 35% carbs, and 25% fats. This is at 1.5g protein per lb of FFM, 25% total calories from fat, the rest carbs. I figured my total calories by multiplying FFM by 15. Is this too low?
Looks like a lot to me corvette.

I think by just hitting the weights and being really strict with your diet you should be able to get down to 8% or so...without cardio...then if you get stuck do the cardio.
I agree.. I've never found cardio too necessary unless you're doing it for health reasons. My next cycle will be my first HST cutting cycle ever. I'm gonna have a set up in my garage by then so I'll have access to the weights all day long. I'm gonna do a 12x a week frequency and eat around maintenance level. No cardio needed, voila!

I can't wait to see how that turns out.
I have put it on standby while I re-vamp my process here. I think I will cut the cardio down significantly. At 2x a day HST, I should easily be able to lose some lbs of fat.

wrestlingguy, I think your idea is a great one. I would like to try something like that in the future. What kind of routine are you looking at? I would imagine it to be very short and sweet?
Yeah it's definitely short and sweet. I'm just going to do deadlifts, chins, dips, and military press. I would throw in squats, but I won't be able to for this cycle due to lack of equipment. Old & Grey once posted his 12x a week routine and it seemed like a real good one, so you might want to do a search for that.
I'll definitely do that... the cycle isn't going to start for a little while though. I've got 3 weeks left on my current cycle and then an SD. I know SD isn't necessary for cutting, but I'd like to do it, just incase I happen to build a small amount of muscle during my cutting cycle. When I start it though I'll let you know... maybe I'll even make a thread for it and keep everyone updated on the results. I'm pretty excited about it.. can't wait.