cgutcu log

Thank' for the replie.To get idea, when I do leg press after deadlift( in the same workout day), I fell that my legs are still pumped from the deads work and no need for a warm-up.
(cgutcu @ Apr. 11 2008,22:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To get idea, when I do leg press after  deadlift( in the same workout day), I fell that my legs are still pumped from the deads work and no need for a warm-up.</div>
Yup, when I'm running a straight HST cycle, I usually do my squats before I do my deads. I don't use much of a warm up for the deads because the squats already have my legs pumping.
Today workout 03.16

206 lbs x 5
210 lbs x 5
215 lbs x 3,1,1 (ops, time to reduce the weigth increase and do just 2 sets of 5)

B.W + 64 lbs x 4,2,2
B.W x 5,3,3

Incline dunbell bench press
79 lbs x 4,2, NEW PR!!!!YEAHHH!!!


Triceps extension:73 lbs x 7,3

Dips:B.W x 8,2

Leg press:441 lbs x 5,5

Calve work

70 min to do it.

Thanks' for reading and any coment will be aprecied
cgutcu just out of curiosity, why do you do leg presses? Why not Squats? The Front Squat puts more strain in the quads, the ATG Back Squat really gets the quads, clutes and hams.
I've been squatting in the Smith because my gym also doesn't have a rack. Do you think it is better not to squat then to squat in the smith??
My opinion is that you should not squat with a smith machine.

However, you could (and what a great way to build total body strength at the same time) learn to clean and then squat what you clean for some reps between each clean.

However, the best advice would be to either find or create a gym with power racks and/or squat racks.
If you can't squat with a rack then a leg-press is still a good piece of kit for building muscle; just learn to use it correctly so it is safe and avoid pilling on loads of plates only to do tiny little partials (but I'm sure you don't do that). Try to set it up so that you get a decent range of motion and aim to keep your lower back tight during the movement rather than allowing it to round.

I would rather use a leg press than squat in a Smith machine UNLESS it was the kind of Smith machine that also allowed the bar to move in a horizontal plane (ie. forwards and backwards). I think some are capable of this.
No, the one at the gym is the regular, up and down smith. Its a pity, I was having a lot of fun with the Squats, but I guess you guys know best.
I might try to clean and squat (it has to be front squat, right?) but since there is no rack, there is also no easy way out if I fail the rep.
(electric @ Apr. 17 2008,7:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No, the one at the gym is the regular, up and down smith. Its a pity, I was having a lot of fun with the Squats, but I guess you guys know best.
I might try to clean and squat (it has to be front squat, right?) but since there is no rack, there is also no easy way out if I fail the rep.</div>
The Shirley Machine forces your body to lift in an altogether unnatural straight line. Not only do you learn to lift improperly, but when the weight gets heavy, you can get injured.

BTW, even in a power rack, there is no easy way out when you fail a rep. In any case the bar is going to clatter -- whether to the pins of the rack or to the floor. It is embarrassing, but rarely life-threatening...
Today workout 04.22

Leg press: 80% 10 rm
362 lbs x 10,10,8,2

Bench press:5x5 whit my 12 rm
144 lbs x 5,5,5,3,3

One-arm dunbell rows:92 lbs x 5,4,3,3

MP:80% of my 5rm
87 lbs x 5,5

Barbell curls:96 lbs x 3,2,1,1,1

Wrist curls:78 lbs x 10,3,2

Reverse grip barbell curls:69 lbs x 5,2,1,1,1

That it.Thank's for reading
Today workout:

215 lbs x 5,5

B.W +64 lbs x 4,2,2
Pull-Up:B.W+11 lbs x 5,2

Incline dunbell bench press:
79 lbs x 3,3,3

Calve work

Dunbell lateral raises:17 lbs x 7,4,3,2

Tricpes extension whit a ez-bar:73 lbs x 7,3

Dips:B.W +44 lbs x 6,4

Reverse wrist curl
Leg press:
85 % of my 10 rm
397 lbs x 10

Today workout 04.29

Bench press:
10 rm 153 lbs x 5,5,3,3,3,2

One-arm dunbell rows:92 lbs x 5,5,5 YEAH, 15 TOTAL REPS!!Now I will go to faulire on the first set 92 lbs is the heaviest dunbell in the gym

90 % of my 5rm
96 lbs x 5,5

Barbell curls:93 lbs x 5

Wrist curl:78 lbs x 10

Reverse grip barbell curls:69 lbs x 5

Leg press: 90% of my 10 rm
419 lbs x 10,8

That it.I am hating this workout.I dont like to train ligth.
In my full name you will se &quot;5 reps&quot; hehe
More than 5 reps is aerobics!!