changing form to increase hypertrophy


New Member
when i am using lighter weights, (especially in the begining of the 10s and 15s) i like to make my sets harder by flexing throughout each rep, mainly at the peak of the rep. doing so makes it so my max weight is lower, as my muscles get tired faster.

my question is, what will create the most size? flexing throughout each rep and using less weight or no flexing, but with more weight?
by that i am guessing you are reffering to not much proof on the lighter weights and flexing? if not hypertrophy, what about increased glycogen storage?

i KNOW there is proof of increased hypertrophy with higher loads.
My take on it would be that when you consciously flex, say, your arm, you are "artificially" creating more weight by making your triceps contract a bit, which adds to the pulling force on your biceps. If this is what you are doing, then more weight or flexing throughout each rep may have a very similar effect.

However, it could be more difficult to keep the "flexing" force consistent throughout the exercise which would make direct comparison difficult from one workout to the next.

I do some flexing at the start of the 15s (and keep going to 20 reps if possible), but as the load increases I forget about flexing and just ensure I can get the reps out. Also, as I have seen mentioned in other threads, the 15s aren't going to make much difference to muscular size. As long as you get a good burn going, the exercise will be doing its job.

Just my 2¢

PS. Just remembered that Vicious has some very useful info on techniques to add metabolic stress in his Pimping My HST article. You've probably read it but, if not, it's definitely worth a read.
you could also as recomended by DKM rep out in the submax your first day of 15s do 20 or will keep the load on the muscle for longer :D
I have it in a zip file, but it is too big for me to upload here. If you want to drop me your email address I'll try to send the zip file to you. It is probably downloadable from somewhere here also.