

New Member
Hi everybody,

I've started my first routine with this method. I used to train with no method, usually repeating exercises, series and weights, but I want to try something different.

I've been "out" for about three months (and last year was not a good one), and when I returned I couldn't lift as much as I could, so partially I also see this first attempt as some sort of "recovery".
I have some shoulder problems, and it is an issue with some exercises (shoulder ones are terrible).

My current routine is:

Three days routine (M/W/F), 12 exercises:

1 Flat Bench Press, dumbbells (no partner, and don't rely on my shoulders, specially the right one)
2 Dumbbell fly (some small issues with the right shoulder)
3 Biceps Curl, dumbbell (with the arm twist, the hammer type I could use more -by far- weight, don't know it it would be better)
4 Biceps curl, bar (grip as the hammer barbell curl)
5 Skull crusher (getting on my limits to raise the bar to the initial place)
6 Cable pushdown (getting some stability issues)
7 Cable rear pulldown
8 Cable seated row
9 Lever shoulder press (alt. arms)
10 Lever Lateral raise
11 Squats
12 Lever Lying Leg Curl (alt. legs)

I do 2 series for the 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, and one for the rest. I do some zigzag, in several I have to do only 3 different weights (I mean, change each 2 sessions) as max and min are so close.

I did my 15s, and for the 10s found that they were under the limit, so I increased them for the last series (I had to adjust -increase, too- some of the 5s, the lighter ones, as now they were too close). Maybe this happens again with (some of) the (new) 5s, but as it's not likely that I can do negs (no partner), I think I'll increase (if needed) the weights in the following 2 weeks. I hope it's ok.

Some of the exercises use cable/machines that are already at their limits (no high limits, they have), and I'm planning to change several exercises.
I wanted to add:
- Dips (weighted)
Which ones, chest or tri? I used more weight for tri, but maybe it could be too much (started with 15kg for 15 reps, to warm up, and did 15 reps up to 45kg; don't really know the limits for 5s -not strict form, I was able to lift about 70 for 9/10 reps). I mean, for the form, the support (the parallel bars), the belt, my waist (and the other people using weights :))
- Chins (weighted)
For this, 15s are really hard (used 10kg for 12 reps, but even with no weight don't know if I could do them), should I try to get the 15 with no weight? Or do my max, rest several seconds, and complete the serie.
- Maybe deadlift, but I don't get the correct form, so I'm not really sure about this (don't want to hurt my back).

Several exercises I think I'll have to disgard (poundages):
- Cable rear pulldown
- Cable seated row (maybe I could do this one handed, or change to some dumbbell var)
- Lever shoulder press (alt. arms): Specially bad, as this is the one I "can" do; free weights, smith machine... are really hard. Shrugs, on the other hand, I can do with no problem.
- Lever Lying Leg Curl (alt. legs)

For the new exercises, should I try to find the max (15, 10, 5) just immediatly after finishing the current 5s, without sd, or do sd, then check, and then sd again?
Any suggestions about the changes, and some shoulder exercises (I think I'll have to find out those, anyway).
Should I split the routine (different days, would have to be; one problem could be the 6th day, unless use a 5 days/week and take the 6th to the next one, and so on, if it's possible)?
What about cardio (you know, fat don't want to go away :))?
Another question, which sould be the preferred order (maybe I'll even try to do some superseries) for groups (or even exercises), if any?

I'm sorry if my English is a "little" weird (and this post is too long). I'm from Spain, and really should practice more, but you know...

Thanks in advance