

New Member
I ran into this stuff on the net, no information was found, it was mentioned on some forum. Google returns 21 hits and lets say, it is not too informative.
Anyone has an idea what is it and how it works?

buffered creatine.

more ideal creatine PH, one in which creatine is less likely to break down, this allows a better chance of absorption of the creatine.

if you have to try it, go with the capsule version, the powder version is less than desirable.

i can honestly say, I would not take kre-alkalyn again, although, there are a few that swear by it.  if you want a creatine recommendation from me, try SizeOn, its creatine gluconate, along with other supplements added, including other forms of creatine.  Just keep your expectatins reasonable, follow the directions and push yourself with the weights.

good luck
mate, take creatine, its much cheaper and after your creatine levels are saturated thats it, take 3-5 grammes a day at most and you'll be fine.
The dosages for creatine are way more than you will need to take. I believe your body can only process 2.9 g/day.

3-5 gram dose covers that well.
A few years ago I remember hearing about healthy 'green' drinks that were supposed to reduce the acidity of your stomach! What the @%&! Why do folks so readily believe that acid in their stomachs is such a bad thing?
I don't know; you have acid in your stomach for digestion.
I think the basic premise for the pH crap is that if your food intake is on the acidic side then your body has to neutralize it with some alkali or alkali earth metals hanging around in your body. One of which is calcium so they think that it makes your bones weak and other crap like that.
Guys, this has gotten way off base due to what was probably just an honest mistake on Need2eat's part. The makers of Kre-Alkalyn raised the PH of the creatine, not your stomach.

Anectodally, this seems to work better for me than creatine monohydrate. I always suffered bad cramps and bloating when taking CM, but the Kre-Alkalyn version has not caused me these problems.
the BUFFERed KreAlkyl allows for a better absorpion and a prevents conversion into creatinine before it gets into the muscle. It does nothing to alter the Ph of your stomach.
I have been using it for 3 months and it works great FOR ME.
My mistake boys and girls.  

It is the ph of the creatine that is raised and yes, it allows the creatine to be absorbed, theoretically, as creatine before degrading.

Which sounds fine but it really did nothing for me, as with all creatine variations, ya gotta see what works for your body.
Nope, it`s still mono, the difference is that they buffer it with soda ash(i`m being mean here, they state that the process is a bit more complicated).

The thing is, research has shown that conversion to creatinine isn`t that significant in the first place with plain old mono, and bloating is more of a consequence of getting undisolved mono in your system/misunderstood increased water retention rather than anything. So IMHO KreAlkalyn is another gimmicky thing with little practical use.

I`ve tried it, with higher doses then they reccomend(that 2 grams KreAk=10 grams mono is crap, you`re basically still getting 2 grams, and even if there was a difference in terms of absorbtion rates, which research hasn`t shown, i doubt that you`d only get about 20% absorbtion for mono) and it wasn`t a fizzling shnizzle thing, although it was convenient(not having to dissolve something that hates being dissolved is a good thing:))

IMHO, the trouble with Creatine is that A-it works and B-it`s dirt cheap, so it`s a bit of a conundrum for supplement makers, as they`d like you to buy the most expensive, obscure concotion, not some simple cheap stuff, so they have to come up with all of these "better" creatines.