Creatine gives me the high speed shakes

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I have tried to take Creatine in the past only to experience that it gives me the shakes. I should also say that I'm hypoglycemic. When I take it I feel just as I do when I go too long without eating. I tried eating when I take it, after I take it but still the same result.

Is the Creatine acting like a high sugar thats making my insulin level spike and in return dropping my blood sugar?

Thanks for any help
Are you taking just straight creatine monohydrate or is it mixed with other ingredients?

If you are using just straight creatine monohydrate, I don't have any idea what would be going on. Creatine monohydrate alone has virtually no effect on insulin as far as I know. I've never heard of anyone getting the shakes from it.

A lot of creatine brands are loaded with high glycemic index carbohydrates like dextrose and maltodextrin in order to spike insulin that is supposed to help with creatine uptake into muscle (there is some questions about the effectiveness of this strategy, but that's another story). If you are taking one of those formulations, that could very well be causing an insulin spike and crash.
I Im'd this same message to McFerret but I just wanted everyone else to know how good of advise he gave. Hard to admit sometimes when you didn't do something as simple as read the label thoroughly.
Hey you hit the nail right on the head....Dextrose is listed as the first "other ingredient". then natural color, magnesium phosphate, sodium phosphate, pottassium phosphate, citric acid, and natural flavor.

It is also says on the side that it's a "pre-load creatine" and : high glycemic carbohydrates. Guess next time I should read the label a bit better, but my mother works at a health food store and I got it for free so I can't complain about it too much. So your rationale about getting it in the system quickly seems right on. 33 g of sugar per serving.
I'll try and find one that is pure creatine. Nice thing though is this one as some decent amounts of amino acids in it.
Thanks again for your great advise.