cut cycle


New Member
ive been doing bulk cycles with good results, and i want to do a hardcore cut cycle to really drop body fat. ive never gone a cut cycle before, but i have been lifting HST for like 2 years.

im just finishing a bulk cycle in a week. i have been away the past 6 months, so i just did a bulk cycle to get most of my strength and size back.

for the cut, i was thinking every other day lifting, the other day is cardio. how many reps and sets should i be doing, i was thinking something like wk1,2 30, wk3,4 25, wk5,6 20, wk7,8 15 then break.

how many sets should go with these?
how does the exercise list look for a cut cycle (usually for a bulk cycle bis and tris are on an iso day until weeks 5 and 6)....

incline chest
mil press
chins/pulls (assisted until 15 or 20)
bi curls
tri pulldowns

and on non-lifting days i will be alternating HIIT running, biking and long distance running and biking

thanks for suggestions guys, ive done about 8 cycles in total HST, but tackling the dreaded cut cycle i have not done yet.
My suggestion would be to maximize the effectiveness of your training by using what ever worked best for you while bulking. There is no reason to change the mechanical stimulus on the tissue.

What you need to be most concerned about is your diet. Both total caloric intake as well as macronutrient breakdown. Obviously you don't want to reduce your protein intake below requirements. So you need to reduce calories conservatively from either fat or carbs.

You will be able to cut calories to a greater degree at first, but as you get leaner you will need to add back either carbs or fat to make up for your shrinking fat stores.
Thank you for the response Bry, yeah my diet I am pretty confident at eating enough protein while cutting calories to maintenance or just below and adjust as my body craves carbs or more protein.

My bulk cycle was 15, 10, 5 with sets 1, 2, 3 (which in almost 2 years has increased my bench press 65 LBS!)... so should my cut cycle stay like that or increase reps and sets? I'm not going to change my frequency just because ill be back at school and have less time, and i know it worked well for me the way it was.

The exercises are the same, except for the addition of bis and tris on compound days, usually i do them on an iso day reccomended by colby and it has helped me greatly.

oh and something else... cut cyle, on creatine or off? Usually for bulks i use it, but i know it retains water and its a good idea to cycle on it then off, on off....

Cutting is when you'd want to definitely use creatine.
You don't need to cycle creatine anyway, that's just a myth propagated by the supplement companies so that you have to use loading phases more often which equals using more creatine, which results in you buying more creatine.
so sitll lost, for my reps and sets for my cut cycle...

should it be something like this... wk1/2 25x1 , wk3/4 20x2, wk 5/6 15x5?