Cutting, abs, calves


New Member
I finished my first HST cycle today. Overall it felt great. I liked the way I progressesed, and I'm excited to start my second cycle.

One area i need to improve on is my diet. I'm a bit flabbier than I'd like to be, and I want to know how to cut.

I know the basics is give your body less calories than it needs, while maintaining enough protein to keep your muscles from wearing down. But I'd like more advice. I find it hard to stick to diets and keep track of everything, but I'm willing to try whatever it is I need to do to lower my BF. At the very least I can take small steps.

I know the first small step I might take is adding vinegar to my diet. I figure if that helps me lower my carb intake then great. I'll keep it up. It seems like it has helped quite a few people here.