Cutting and Gaining Mass


New Member
Hey. Considering I use HST and I believe this is one of the most trustworthy bodybuilding boards, I decided to ask this question here.

I want to cut down and build up my stamina, but also gain mass at the same time. I've read things in the past about it, but never got the full jist of it.

If anyone has any information, articles, personal experiences, etc.. please share. Thanks!
Eat at about 300 calories above maintenance. With HST, pre and post WO nutrition, and that caloric intake, you should put on muscle while burning fat. Albeit the process is slower than a bulk or cut, it does both at the same time.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (colby2152 @ Dec. 12 2005,2:36)]Eat at about 300 calories above maintenance.  With HST, pre and post WO nutrition, and that caloric intake, you should put on muscle while burning fat.  Albeit the process is slower than a bulk or cut, it does both at the same time.
Unless he's new to lifting or using powerful repartitioning drugs, he shouldn't expect to put on muscle and lose fat at the same time.  Pick one goal, and adjust your diet accordingly.
If you are pretty fat and out of shape you may be able to do all three at once, using diet, cardio and weight training. Otherwise pick a goal and work it versus trying to do all three at once. Just my .02, if you are pretty fat the health benefits to getting slim first far outweigh the need to build mass.
Yeah, it really depends on your bodyfat%. The higher, the easier it is to put on muscle and lost fat at the same time. The lower you go, the harder this process is, and it will get to the point you have to do cutting and bulking cycles in order to make serious gains. I'm afraid I am getting to that point now.
Thanks for the replies. Well to put thinks in perspective.. I was 9% when I started to lift (about a year and half ago)..I eventually got to around 11% and stayed at that level for a while. And then I started to hardcore bulk..and I'm now at around 15%. So I want to still pack on lean mass, but cut down to like 11-12%. And on top of that, I have very bad stamina.. so I want to work on that as well.
At 15% bodyfat, that just isn't going to happen. You could start cutting now, but I would do it very carefully. You don't want to lose any of that lean mass that you've gained. Once you get back down to 8% or whatever, maintain for a while, then start bulking again.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Dec. 12 2005,5:42)]but I would do it very carefully.  You don't want to lose any of that lean mass that you've gained.  
No matter how careful you are this is going to happen, what it comes down is...NOT if it will, but how much.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (abckid24 @ Dec. 12 2005,5:16)]1.So I want to still pack on lean mass........

2.but cut down to like 11-12%. And on top of that, I have very bad stamina.. so I want to work on that as well.
1. You can probably ditch this one @ 15% Bf it would be hard to gain muscle and loose fat at the same time.

2. This you can do. But first when you say stamina, are you talking aerobic endurance or anaerobic?