Cutting - HST & V-diet?

If you are talking about the Velocity Diet then I wouldn't recommend trying it, unless maybe you are on steroids, then you could probably cut up pretty well on it. Still, there are other, much better alternatives for dieting than the Velocity Diet.
If you are willing to go to that kind of extreme, you may as well look into PSMF. It's a little more sane.

Theres much more to it, but in its most basic form take in 1.5g/lb lean body mass of protein (preferably whole food and shakes should be casein protein if you must use them), 6g fishoil, and all the hyperlow calorie veggies (spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, etc) you need to stave off debilitating amounts of hunger. Thats it... no carbs no fats other than the ones above. You do it for as long can stand it.

Lyle has much more info to make it "easier" such as carb ups and refeeds based on vital info.

As with any other cut, it is highly suggested that you lift heavy and adjust volume to your energy levels.
Cheers - Shugart does recommend sticking to low no. of sets with 3-5 reps & mainly compounds in his original v-diet article...
(sjfou @ Nov. 20 2007,11:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Cheers - Shugart does recommend sticking to low no. of sets with 3-5 reps &amp; mainly compounds in his original v-diet article...</div>
Shugart is also a retard, amongst other things. His V-diet is a bastardized PSMF, meant to pimp shitty Biotest supplements, poorly structured and overall a pile of dung.
Velocity Diet was designed to sale supplements

I wonder if you could use other supplements that contain the same ingredients as ones recommended by t-nation on the Velocity Diet (obvious sarcasm) How about this a low cal diet instead

Coach Hale
I have been really busy just finished new book Knowledge and Nonsense

I also completely re-vamped my site and started working with Dan on

I am working on a project right now that relates to applying critical analysis to fitness claims (something badly needed)

Nice to be back

Coach Hale
I think Velocity diet and HST go extremely well together.

First time I did Velocity diet &amp; HST I lost 17lbs. Just started again last week, first week 8lbs, haven't weighed in this week but still losing. The only Biotest supplemtents I Hott Roxx Extreme. I added Lean Extreme, RPM, BCAA's, Poseidon and ZMA.

I have a lot to lose though I down 55lbs this year have about another 25 to go. Currently 6'3&quot; 245 22%BF

(etothepii @ Dec. 10 2007,10:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PSMF, a.k.a. protein strictly...</div>
I'm trying MPSMF, a Modified Protein Sparing Modified Fast (HST has taught me that I can tweak just about anything).

I take mainly protein plus less than 100 grams of carbs daily. Then every third day I add a carb meal based on the recommendation of the Gameover Cut Diet.

I've only been doing this for a week, so I don't have much to report, other than the loss of a pound and a half so far...