Cutting log

Over this stressful summer I didn't lift much and lost some muscle. But good things happened....My daughter was born on Sept. 11. 2008, 8:24 am EST. She is 8 lb.s 9 oz. and 20 inches long....the same size as her dad was when he was born...a whopper!

Anyway, my HST training hasn't gone very well as my schedule is now completely insane!
Also I am way too flabby imo and I need to cut some fat. My current stats are 189 lb.s and 16% bodyfat. My goal is to get down to 175 lb.s and 10%ish without losing muscle. I'll be skinny but at least I'll be lean and then I can do a proper bulk.

The training will be HIT fullbody 2x/week as I have VERY LITTLE time for lifting. the diet will be a typical calorie restriction heavy on protein to preserve lean mass. I haven't been 175 in years, but it'll be good to see some serious defintion for a change.
(scientific muscle @ Sep. 19 2008,8:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The training will be HIT fullbody 2x/week as I have VERY LITTLE time for lifting.  the diet will be a typical calorie restriction heavy on protein to preserve lean mass.  I haven't been 175 in years, but it'll be good to see some serious defintion for a change.
Whoa, your daughter is a knockout! Congratulations.

Full body 2x/week, lifting heavy is perfect for cutting.
Carl, looks like she's already cheering her old man on.

Many congratulations and happy years of parenting to you and your dear lady. She'll be 16 before you know it and you'll be fending off hordes of potential suitors, so enjoy every minute and get BIG and scary in the meantime!
Well this week I got off to a rocky start. First of all I have a newborn at home. Secondly my job is sometimes quite physical and involves heavy lifting much like Quadancer's job. Anyway I injured my left shoulder mildly somehow at my job and it hurts to directly flex it in the direction of the anterior deltoid (dips, front laterals, etc.) So I let it heal all week. Also my 'diet' didn't go so well as my stressful life won the battle against my self-discipline when it comes to my appetite.
I actually GAINED a pound, but bodyfat dropped slightly, which is cool.

Weight: 190.6
Bodyfat: 15.9%

Today I did Upper body, tomorrow I'll do lower body. I think I'll try that split for awhile.

DB Bench Press: 72.5s x10
Lat pulldowns: 145 x8
Rear Delt Rows: 85 x9
Dips: Bodyweight x11
(Normally I am stronger, but my left shoulder injury is still inflamed somewhat)
DB laterals: 18.25s x9
DB Curls: 38.25s x8

I am quite weak, but I know it will come back quickly once I get the exercise frequency consistent.
Also I really need to be more disciplined with dieting.
Wow... congrats to you and your wife on parenthood Sci! May your family be blessed with happiness and good health.

1st. congrats on the newborn.

2nd, from my exper, dont bother with trying to maintain any type of real gaining/losing diet or w/o program at this time. you simply have to put too much mental as well as physical effort into a newborn.......not too mention keeping up with work, spouse, sleep etc etc.

just try to get some workouts in when you can to maintain. if its a couple times a week your doing good and will be able to keep the wgts decent. as far as diet goes just try to keep the cals under control (no way under or over maint) and i wouldnt worry about tracking much else.

making progress with your w/o and diet CAN be done while you have a newborn its just real, real hard and to my estimation not worth it. exhastion is the one thing i remember about the 1st 6 months with my boy (now 4+) and i was trying to get by with 1-2 w/os a week and living on whatever i could out of a bag...or simply unwrap.

its certainly all worth it but from my exper. the personal goals were better left for when things stabilized and mellowed out (especially the mother) and you return to some semblance of a &quot;normal&quot; routine.

anyway, just some thoughts......congrats again.

good luck
I echo bluejacket...the hell with planning and science and all that.

Just workout out for fun for a while ....enjoy yourself and this time in your life!