Dangers of Protein shakes


New Member
Ok, once in a while i get comments from " people who know people" that told them that protein shakes are bad, that their doctor told them so and thats it, i cant say anything about it basicaly because, WHAT DO I KNOW im not a freaking doctor...

One old guy i know works at the hospital, he isnt a doctor, just a computer technician, but he says he see alot of ppl having problems because of protein shakes... creatine , etc...
Now in my head i think, ok, maybe they OVER did it, like replace all their meal by protein shakes... i dont know how to explain this, but i always though that protein shakes were safe...
He says that he thinks it comes from all the amino acid maybe ? or that because the shakes arent natural , etc...

Im just tired to defend myself all the time, i already have to do it for hst ( again so many people who know people that are pro and that are gym teachers and that are doctor that know better than me, that doing THIS or THAT is better than what im doing / hst )

so what about the dangers of protein shakes ? you guys heard anything about it ? is there such thing as too much amino acids ? etc...
No, they are perfectly safe as long as you don't have some abnormal kidney problem and drink too much powder. They aren't steroids for heavens sake.
as a safety insurance make sure you drink a lot of water.... a lot...... I wonder if any of the guys here is a doctor, besides Dr. Pierre, who could give us his input..... I think it is better to hear it from a doctor who does bodybuilding
Why do you bother dealing with people like that? Laugh, point them to these forums if they're truly interested, and let it be. Too many people will try to get in your way and think they know what's best. I've given up fighting most people on it. Instead, I smile and offer to make a wager on who can make more progress.

Protein powder is derived from whole foods anyway. Isn't it milk or cheese? Something of that nature. I went for a long time having only shakes with powder, milk, and oatmeal. I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
I find creatine makes my feces quite dry no matter how much water I drink.

I also had some other side effects during 2 creatine cycles regarding my feces which is why I stopped taking it.

I was only taking a measured 5g/day. With no loading phase.

But everyone responds differently and these incidents could have just been coincidental.

If you want to know, ask and Ill tell you what they were.

I also think I might try another creatine cycle in the future, just not right now, I want to study the effects of pure HST before I add other variables to the equation.

Nothing wrong with protein shakes unless you are taking too much. If you take pure glutamine is will block other essention amino acids and it could result in death. Most glutamine suppliments though contain the other amino acids as well so no worries there.
''If you take pure glutamine is will block other essention amino acids and it could result in death.''

I doubt it.
hmm... I cant seem to backup my statement on glutamine using the google search.

I heard this from my girl friend who is in nutrition. I think she had said that taking pure glutamine was dangerous because it could potentially block your other amino acids and someone taking a lot could die. And that your not able to buy it in pureform in canada and that it had other amino acids as well.

Shes not here but Ill ask her later. It should be in her text somewhere.
Its not, becuase its not true.

If you take ONLY glutamine and no other protien source you will die - mainly because you have no other essential amino acids. But that is somewhat a bizzare situation.

Adding supplemental glutatine can be useful in some situations, but not many
I know the side effects of taking Protein shakes.

- Increase muscle growth
- Maintenance of proper nutrition
- Increase protein synthesis
- Helps repair muscles after a workout

Whey Protein comes from milk, so if the shake is bad isn't milk bad?

Whey also contains many ingredients mothers milk has, so it is a key ingredient in baby formula. OH NO WE ARE GOING TO HAVE MORE HOSPITALIZED BABIES ON OUR HANDS!... I doubt it.

On this site, let alone the internet, you will find hundreds, if not thousands, of articles, journals and other information promoting the importance of Whey Protein (Protein shakes). I bet that computer technician couldn't find one source of information that states that: Taking whey protein in moderate amounts will hospitalize healthy individuals. He will not prove that, either you have a problem physiologically, or you are taking too much (also, wasting your money).

Keep the input going. Hope every one is growing.
Well you see the problem, is that, my friend, told me that His doctor told him so, so he has a source , me i have nothing to back up my point, pointing him to these forum will not back up my point, because we are just people talking...
Anyways, ive decided to just drop the thing , too complicated to prove it.
(Louno @ May 09 2006,06:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well you see the problem, is that, my friend, told me that His doctor told him so, so he has a source , me i have nothing to back up my point, pointing him to these forum will not back up my point, because we are just people talking...</div>
because a doctor said so is a rather pathetic point.
I posted some studies on this a while back and Aaron pointed out some info as well here. But these are studies and noone knows your current condition so check with your Doc if you think there may be a problem.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my friend, told me that His doctor told him so, so he has a source</div>

There are a lot of pathetic doctors out there, who are rather opinionated! Let them come here so we can prove them wrong!
Rather poor source I'd say!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">me i have nothing to back up my point</div>

Sure you do, just read up the research linked by Dan!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">because we are just people talking...</div>

That maybe so...but we can dig up research to prove these people absolutely wrong!

IMO - the dangers are:

Malfunctioning Kidneys - then protein may be a serious problem.

Healthy individuals - if there is not enough fibre intake, they may end-up constipated, and that after many moons of ingestion of the same can start poisoning the blood due to putrefaction within the bowel, but man...once you get constipated surely you're not going to carry on ingesting what is causing it in the first place...unless of course you are a sucker for punishement!

Usually for healthy individuals taking it properly (in addition to a healthy diet) to supplement extra caloric requirements, the side effects are quite good:

Enhanced protein synthesis and therefore some growth!
Ease of use to up caloric intake within existing diet!
You have to make sure that you are comparing apples to apples on this one.
Saying that &quot;it comes from something natural&quot; doesn't mean that it's good for you. I mean, you can get arsenic from potatoes...

Bottom line for me is that excess protein metabolises into ammonia. This is bad for your kidneys. As said before, drink plenty of water. Don't go overboard as this will overwork your kidneys, but make sure you get plenty. If your pee is yellow, you're not drinking enough. If it is just a little pale yellow, then you're about right. If it looks like water coming out then you may want to ease up on the water intake just a little.

Personally, I drink 3 protein shakes a week. I also lift 3 days a week. Coincidence? I get the rest of my daily protein from food. Plain and simple. It works for me on a quite a few levels.

As far as you needing proof...
Tell your friend that the sun is bad for him. Skin cancer.
Then tell him it's good for him. Photosynthesis of vitamins (d).
Then tell him that alchohol is bad for him. Liver disease, high blood pressure, etc.
Then tell him that it's good for him. Heart health (in low doses).
Tell him then that oxygen is good for him. Breathing.
Then tell him that it's bad for him. Pure oxygen kills brain cells.
This list could go on almost forever.
I am not a medical doctor but a scientist with a Ph.D.
Protein shakes are not dangerous in and of themselves.
There is no need to drink them if your body gets what it needs from real food.

BUT, many people want to pack on muscle and need more protein and thus protein shakes. Properly timed ingestion of protein stimulates muscle growth.
Protein is vital and required for all sorts of sport in various quantities and ratios.
Personally, I don´t´like eating 12 eggs a day to cover my protein needs.

in reference to glutamine being deadly, if you take only glutamine as your sole source of nutrition, yes you will die. if you misunderstood your doctor ask him again. if not, he should have his license revoked.

re creatine creating dry turds, drink lots of water.

anyway, anyone reading this board should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day already.