Diet question


New Member
I have gone from 210 lbs (no muscle, just fat) to 170 lbs, and added muscle by lifting since November. I still have about 10-15 lbs around the mid-section of fat to get rid of. I did this wieght loss by doing low carb, and find it works well for me, still doing it somewhat, about 40 carbs a day right now.

Question is, I just read the article about weight gain, and says I need to be eating about 2500 cals a day to have proper wieght (muscle gain). Does it NEED to be with carbs, or can I still eat lower carbs if I meed the calorie intake a day?
Carbs will help immensely.

You can grow without, but the job is much harder, and it wont make you gain any less fat while bulking.

And doing 15's will suck with no carbs
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]and it wont make you gain any less fat while bulking.
Could you please tell me more on this topic, I always thought that without insulin, fat is not suppose to go into fat cell ??
let me put it this way
Historically Eskimos ate a keto diet for the majority of the year. THey were not lean
Some epileptic kids are put on keto diets to help cure their epilepsy (sp?) and they are not ripped

The human body is extremely advanced™ and can do whatever it likes with fat, and that includes storing it.
Insulin is one method of the body storing fat (incomming carbs increase insulin, and this stimulates LPL(amongst others) to clip off available fats and store them (amongst other things as well)
But if you just eat fat, this would make sense that the body couldnt store the fat.
Well unfortunately there is a lovely little protein called Acylation Stimulating Protien (ASP) which is produced by the adipocyte, and is stimulated by the presence of primarily chylomicrons (and also minutely by insulin). Chylomicrons are the lipoprotein transporter made by the intestinal cells to allow transport of fats in the blood.
Which ever way, the fat gets store. If more fat is going into fat cells than is comming back out, then you gain fat. It all comes back to calories :-(

Sound good?

or just add to the confusion?
now question arises, how active this
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]lovely little protein called Acylation Stimulating Protien (ASP)
is ??
we all know here that calories count, but it really doesn't matter from which food source the calories are comming (I omitting health matters) ??
Awww, that requires effort

Ok, I actually have a big fat review on the subject area, 17pages worth. But I havent had time to read it yet. What I will do is give it a quick look over in hte next day or so.
But just from memory, ASP will decrease in starvation, no fats available to store, and no need to do so. While I dont think there has been any low carb trials on Asp, it should be noted that if insulin isnt present, but there is adequate energy, and fats floating around in the blood stream, it makes sense that activity or sheer quantity of asp would increase.
I will read some and get back/