Different HSt routine

[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ June 09 2005,5:58)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also I started about a year ago using a adjustable bench for chest...I never do flat bench I instead go to the first level on the adjustable bench and go from there...its about 10 degrees at most?
It's tolerable, but the pec major is best hit with a decline angle.   Basically, any movement that hits the pec major hits the pec minor (upper pec) too.  What makes the incline press good is that because it's such a lousy pec major exercise.  Thus it seems to "emphasize" the upper pecs.  But, the pec major nevertheless constitutes most of the chest size (or, rather the pec minor is rather small), and so overall chest development is still dependent on a flat-to-decline angle.  Or to put it another way, this is like doing lots of chins to develop your lower-to-middle back, when the person should be doing bent-over rows and deadlifts.
Not trying to bag on you, but just wanted to clarify a few things as I read your post. Pec major is divided into upper and lower or sternal and clavicular. Pec minor lies underneath or deep to the pec majors. I assume when you refer to pec minor, you are meaning to refer to pec major clavicular (upper).
Im bumping this post b/c it involves some of the old days with Vicious Biz and even DKM...hehe.

You can tell I was a noob back then to...there hope for us all.

Anyway bump for old post!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">7) During post-5s, use (unilateral) negatives and make at least 2 increments. If you extend your post-5s to 4 weeks, make 4-5 increments and approach your 120% of 1RM.</div>

Great thread to revive Joe. Did you ever go up to 120% of 1RM for neg flies? (I would have though not due to your injury?) If you did, how did you get on? Did they feel safe?

This is something I would like to try next cycle.
Lol, with a good partner that should not be impossible, man...I can imagine the feel, awsome! Just don't tear them, get the partner to support that concentric really well and the eccentric too just to avoid ripping things.