Do pain killers reduce the hypertrophic response?


New Member
I think i read this in the FAQs. Is this true, and if true how significantly does this affect hypertrophy. And are there any alternatives to reduce inflammation other than an NSAID that is safe.
Potentially they will reduce protein synthesis.

However it will depend on dose and duration.

Either way, chronic use of anti-inflammatories is not really recommended.
If you have an inflammatory disease state, high doses of fish oils may decrease the inflammation, but there is also potential that they will reduce protein synthesis via being competitive inhibitors of COX
I have iliotibial band i guess that cuts out all leg exercises out for a while. Do you know how long this lasts before it stops rubbing against the bone?
Depends on the state of the problem,

but recovery is more important than training

sucks, but its a part of life