do u full squat or not?


New Member
When doing your squat, do you always do the full form of it? (having ur @$$ touching ur ankles or so :P) or stopping like half way down?? is there such a big difference between those?

I think Milos Sarvec said it best.

"Partial Squats... Partial Development.
Full Squats... Full Development."

I know it's a simple saying, but there is still some fundamental truth to it.
I do them fully as well. When i switched to full squats, i had to drop the weight quite a bit at first. But the weight has came back up and i enjoy full squats more than parallel squats.
There was a topic about most recently replied to in the last 3 months or so I believe.

Do a search for squats, parallel, full.

From memory, full squats hit your glutes more than parallels do. And parallels hit your quads about the same as full..?
Stopping at parallel puts loads of stress on the knees, especially stopping and reversing the momentum at that point. Going @$$ to floor allows the weight to be transferred to the hips and glutes, which can sustain much greater loads. Full squats with help develop the glutes and hamstrings a lot more as well, and if you're into sports of any kind, fhagetta 'bout it.
You should be squatting all the way down and exploding up, working on staying upright, keeping a shoulder-width stance, and driving through the heels. I, of course, support olympic style squats, so that is what I'm describing.

Full squating will transfer over to explosiveness and jumping ability greatly.
Hey guys

I mostly do my squats to bellow parallel, but can't say that I always do them ATG.

On Monday though I was feeling rather good and warmed up to 80 Kgs ATG, wow...what a feeling, however I was conservative with my target weight (107 Kg) and did it touching @$$ to the bench (bench at -ve 15 degrees) which is still pretty low, at least lower than parallel.

The engagement of the quad muscles is better at lower than parallel, but I think it is not too unwise to reduce ROM slightly when going heavy, after all as far as I am concerned I am not competing in power lifting.

I use the same policy (safety) for most heavy compound work and even isolationm work which is getting heavy!

Fact remains, if you want mass you have to lift heavy! :)
I agree that safety can become an issue when squatting olympic style to the floor. I use a pair of Adidas Ironwork II's when squatting. The wooden wedge in the heel allows me to stay completely upright and stops my back from rounding, which is almost inevitable if you sink all the way down.
I forgot to add, I also add a wooden wedge, just a plank which is about 2 cm thick.

Cannot do it with feet flat and will not be convinced either to try :mad: I feel the wedge is just right, else as Chtonian says the back starts rounding.

In fact the last time I did ATG squats I felt my lower back a bit the day after still feeling it a bit today, but that too might be because I touched unworked muscle
I'm trying out this new smith machine at the gym, has movement in 2 dimensions (vertical and depth). Great for heavy squats sans a spotter.
im doing full too but with the smith machine.. since I havet worked my legs for liek 2 years and never done squat... and just thinking doing it regulary w/o the smith machine, is making me feel more uncomfortable, about security i mean.. like falling back or not be able to go back up completely... is there such a big difference in muscle development when using or not the smith machine (the one that only goes vertically)??

The smith machine doesn't simulate a real squat. Don't use it. Many people who do end up screwing up their knees. Stick to freeweight squats in a power cage. I don't even have a cage or rack, and I still manage just fine.

Totentanz - big asses on guys seem to be something women love. I get comments from so many people, ranging from friends (guys and girls) to relatives to professors. It's a nice side effect from full squatting.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I full squat. I like having a large rear end.

Tot you are the pits, he...he...he...he, like the humour, real cool.

Is that the only reason ATG is your modus operandi? LOL
just pulling your leg

I like ATG squatting but if I don't have a partner I tend to be much more carefull, what if I can't get up? With the weights I do, only my 15 yera old will be able to help me, if he's not home, I'll be stauck till I can do it myself
a lot easier to sit in the toilet I'd say

About the smith machine, I did not want to go there butr seeing that Chtonian broke the ice, I agree, don't use it.

It restricts movement (natural) taking out the normal curving of the squat movement going down and up, this apparently severly impacts on knees and back over time.

It is also not too good for certain other movements.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Totentanz - big asses on guys seem to be something women love. I get comments from so many people, ranging from friends (guys and girls) to relatives to professors. It's a nice side effect from full squatting.

I'd say it is more muscular asses right? And yeah women do love them, I never realized this until recently when you catch them looking at your rear end, I though we were the only ones at faults for that. Hooray for big muscular asses then.
In my experience, having large, muscular glutes makes women think it is okay to grab them. Not that I'm complaining...
\/\/3|2 |)

I was a waiter for awhile last Summer. I started to understand what women complained about when they worked at sports bars and grills.

There you go again :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]In my experience, having large, muscular glutes makes women think it is okay to grab them. Not that I'm complaining...

It seems we mean don't complain about things like that, unlike our female companions
I suppose it would not be cool to go around gropping womens butts although we probably would enjoy that for a spell

It is just unusual for them to grope us....

Squats are good I'd say!
in my gym, only one (1!) (out of the five that actually dare to come to the "arena") (women have different floor :-p) woman is squatting...

And owww, while she may not be the best looking of them all, god dang is it a beautiful sight to see.
Re: smith machine - The one I use isn't a standard smith machine - maybe it's a power cage, not sure. It has the bar as part of an apparatus. The apparatus allows you to walk forward until you hit the end of the cage, or to go up&down. The only plane of movement that isn't the same as a normal squat is that I couldn't slide the bar from my left shoulder to right (if that makes sense). I can't stumble sideways and have the bar flip, but it's possible to stumble forwards, unlike a sm.machine.