Do weight miscalculations ruin cycles?


New Member
Can anyone offer me advice on the following situation please.

What do you do if you miscalculated the weight you are using on one exercise for the first week of 15s and have performed the first two workouts of the first week of 15s with a weight that was intended for the last workout of the second week of 15s?

What should I do? I guess I have I lost the effect of SD so no point reverting to lighter weights. I can see two options.

1. Stick with this weight and progress with planned increments when I get to 10s.
2. Cluster reps

The exercise in question is for triceps.

Any advice is appreciated. Many thanks.
Hi ZAK1,

This isn't really a problem. You can either stick with the weight you have been using or you can lighten it up slightly and use the increments you were supposed to use (zigzagg). I would probably just stick with the weights you've been using but either way is fine. As my dady used to tell me, "Don't sweat the small stuff." :)
Thanks Bryan and thanks for coming up with HST and sharing it for free with the rest of the world! ;-)