Do you all have potbellies?

Darn it Vagrant

That is one hell of a story, can I use it for the health ministries in my church?

I mean if someone can loose 53% body fat, then a lot of people can be helped if only they want to!

I take my hat off to you!
Fausto, you can use it anywhere you like if it helps someone improve the quality of their life.

I actually use my life as my ministry anyway.  

I walked away from the ministry and away from church and organized religion because I hated the hipocracy and the power/money hungriness of it all.  I myself, refuse to be a hippocrite too. I can't help it, I look at the pretty ladies with impure thoughts, laugh at dirty jokes, sometimes smoke cigarettes - all not good things which I sincerely believe are wrong.

However I still try to set a good example by the way I live my life, impure thoughts don't become impure deeds, I give credit to God for everything good and use the example of my physical changes to help others find their own way to better health and fitness.

I tell people, "Your body is a precious gift from God. How would you feel if you gave someone a brand new car as a gift with no strings attached and they just abused it and tore it up every day? He probably feels the same way when you are doing bad things to your body, destroying that gift."
(vagrant @ Sep. 29 2006,09:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I tell people, &quot;Your body is a precious gift from God.  How would you feel if you gave someone a brand new car as a gift with no strings attached and they just abused it and tore it up every day?  He probably feels the same way when you are doing bad things to your body, destroying that gift.&quot;</div>
A 6 milion dollar car. Great post to help people cop onto themselves.
(Fausto @ Sep. 27 2006,06:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'd say JonnyH is on the money, distended belly comes from mostly excess gas (temporary distention) and excess growth hormone (BB'ers on AAS) or weak stomach muscles coupled with excess calories (beer boep, classic pot belly type).</div>
Often at niht my stomach can be heavily distended from a days eating. I just measure it the next ,orning and its back to normal.
Some of us, (me included) simply have a tighter low spinal curve to the front than others, which distends the gut a bit. I've always had a 1&quot; gut, even when cut to shreds as a teen.
(Joe.Muscle @ Oct. 21 2006,08:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">stop eating.</div>
Lmao! Simple but true. I am currently cutting, and it is not just fat on top of the abs, we also carry fat under the muscles around the organs, this is usually what make the belly stick out. While fat on top of the abs, gives that flabby look. I have a little pot right now, even my abs stick out, but I know with steady dieting I will reduce this and my abs will 'pull in' as fat is lost.
(quadancer @ Oct. 21 2006,09:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Some of us, (me included) simply have a tighter low spinal curve to the front than others, which distends the gut a bit. I've always had a 1&quot; gut, even when cut to shreds as a teen.</div>
i will use this as my excuse

no seriously though its true,my body fat at the moment is dropping nicely but i still have the tiny 1&quot; gut you speak of,i have a curved spine and slightly distended gut along with a long torso .i may never see my abs or at least the lower ones
Oh, you can get to see the abs...they just won't be tucked in under the chest with low spinal curve!
Whathaheck, stick 'em out there for everyone to see!