Fausto, you can use it anywhere you like if it helps someone improve the quality of their life.
I actually use my life as my ministry anyway.
I walked away from the ministry and away from church and organized religion because I hated the hipocracy and the power/money hungriness of it all. I myself, refuse to be a hippocrite too. I can't help it, I look at the pretty ladies with impure thoughts, laugh at dirty jokes, sometimes smoke cigarettes - all not good things which I sincerely believe are wrong.
However I still try to set a good example by the way I live my life, impure thoughts don't become impure deeds, I give credit to God for everything good and use the example of my physical changes to help others find their own way to better health and fitness.
I tell people, "Your body is a precious gift from God. How would you feel if you gave someone a brand new car as a gift with no strings attached and they just abused it and tore it up every day? He probably feels the same way when you are doing bad things to your body, destroying that gift."