Static Stretching, PNF, foam rolling, shoulder dislocations, yoga, you name it.
What are your personal philosophies on mobility work?
I like it, but I don't do it much. I need to start. [I think] I don't really have many deficiencies when it comes to mobility, though I find my hip flexors and adductors to be kinda painful in the low portion of a decently wide stance squat (though moderate stance squat is ASG on BW without issue). Don't know if that's my natural physiology telling me "don't like ROM," or if I've got some tightness I need to work out, but I'm guessing it's the latter so I'm going to work on that.
What are your personal philosophies on mobility work?
I like it, but I don't do it much. I need to start. [I think] I don't really have many deficiencies when it comes to mobility, though I find my hip flexors and adductors to be kinda painful in the low portion of a decently wide stance squat (though moderate stance squat is ASG on BW without issue). Don't know if that's my natural physiology telling me "don't like ROM," or if I've got some tightness I need to work out, but I'm guessing it's the latter so I'm going to work on that.