Do you lose weight during SD?


New Member
Hello everyone, I tried to find posts on this but I could not. I recently completed my first cycle of HST and am very satisfied with the results. I am +6 lbs when i was on a plateau for a few months with my other training. My only concern is losing weight as I am going into SD. From what I understand I am trying to 'decondition' my muscles to allow for further growth. But does a 7-12 day deconditioning cause any weight loss if you continue to eat maintanence? And on a personal aspect I have a very high metabolism and it is VERY difficult for me to consume enough calories to gain weight, so should I keep up my high calorie intake during SD?

Another note is I went on SD because of joint pain due to high weights during my negatives, I had not stopped growing.

Read the FAQ. If you are losing weight during SD you are not eating enough. Always eat maintenance on SD, do NOT cut calories or you will lose muscle. The whole point of using HST during a cut is to preserve muscle. During SD your metabolism will shut down if in a calorie deficit and a large percentage of your weight loss will be muscle, bone, organs.
Like dean said, read the faqs. For one thing, it is nearly impossible to lose appreciable muscle mass in 7-12 days - this is part of the basis of SD, you know. But yes, if you are losing weight then you are not eating at maintenance. Maintenance is just what it says - the level of calories required to maintain your weight.
You'll also have a significant shift in how your body handles water & glycogen, so don't be discouraged if you drop a couple pounds; its not muscle loss. The onyl way to lose real muscle in such a short time is to literally be bed ridden, or sick or both. But if your active and up and around and keeping your protein adequate you'll be just fine and will grow more easily when you're done SDing.
Thank you for the responses guys. Ya, I had read the faq about SD, and even did a search to try and find a similar thread but could not find one that particularly addressed this issue. Or maybe i didnt read into 'maintanence' calories correctly because through my first cycle I really learned the rediculous amount of calories I actually have to take in to gain anything. Maybe I am just a bit skeptical, as this is my first cycle. So far I have not lost more than a pound and I am tying to eat a little above maintenance, with a very high protein, carb. intake like Bryan said. So, when you say muscle 'will grow more easily when you're done SDing', does that mean i could expect to gain more weight on my second cycle of HST, or just that my muscles will be deconditioned and basically ready to gain weight again?
Weight gain is a function of diet, not of training or conditioning. If you want to gain more weight on your second cycle then you need to eat more on your second cycle. If you aren't counting calories already, start doing it. You have to get the diet sorted so that you are steadily gaining weight first before you do anything, or there is no point in lifting. Then once you have the diet figured out, this is where you add in the weightlifting so that the weight you gain will be primarily muscle and not fat. You can lift all the weights in the world but you will not grow if you are not eating enough.