Eat fat in one meal or over several?


New Member
Fat is used in bodybuilding to increase testosterone levels. I normally eat all my fat for a day in one meal away from carbs because people said carbs + fat = fat gain. I am now wondering if it would be best to distribute the fat over several meals in the hope of keeping testosterone levels high throughout the day. What do you think?
Dude. The whole thing about combining proten, fat, and carbs at different times is complete and total crap. Just make sure you get the calories in and don't worry about things so much.
hahaha can you explain why you think there is some kind of "magic" in combining certain nutrients? Maybe something you read in FLEX magazine?? It all stemmed from the idea that conuming fat while your insulin has been raised from carbs, "somehow" would mean that more fat would be absorbed by the cells. The bottom line is, there has never been any evidence suggesting this. If you have any specific questions about this topic PM Aaron F or do a search over at Lyles site
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ruhl @ June 04 2005,6:33)]Fat is used in bodybuilding to increase testosterone levels.  I normally eat all my fat for a day in one meal away from carbs because people said carbs + fat = fat gain.  I am now wondering if it would be best to distribute the fat over several meals in the hope of keeping testosterone levels high throughout the day.  What do you think?
It won't matter. The steroid hormones and those secreted by the adrenal cortex and gonads, are derived from cholesterol.

Eating fat in one sitting isn't going to change your test levels, neither will eating fat throughout the day. Your body makes enough cholesterol to produce your levels of testosterone and increasing cholesterol ingestion isn't going to change that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Falco @ June 07 2005,4:10)]A little thing called the First Law of Thermodynamics.

I have something to say about thermodynamics, but I'll start a new thread instead of hijacking this one.