Eating For Size

Tom Treutlein

New Member
The Eating For Size article recommends roughly 100g simple carbohydrates be taken before and after (50g/50g, I guess) training. The 100g of carbs factor into daily caloric intake, however. What does one do on non-training days? I doubt they should take 100g dextrose or maltodex when they're not lifting.

What are those 400 calories replaced with?
If you are refering to this
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So we need to hit 1837 calories from our carbohydrates. That comes to just over 450 grams. Our example lifter will need to try to get at least 350 from complex carbs. The rest should be consumed immediately before and after training.
Please remember that is based on calculations using a man weighing 220 lbs. Not that the 100 grams would change just making a point about the total carbs per day.

But in response to your question, you could use more complex carbs if you desired. Also remember Bryan has stated
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Studies have shown no difference between different types of carbohydrates eaten post exercise and the rate of glycogen replenishment as long as sufficient quantities of carbohydrate are consumed (Burke 1997). Even when the post exercise meal contains other macronutrients such as proteins and fats, the rate of glycogen replenishment is not hindered, given there is sufficient carbohydrate in the meal as well. These studies tell us that the rate-limiting step in glycogen replenishment after exercise is not in digestion or the glycemic index of a given source of carbohydrate. Over a 24-hour period it is the total amount of carbohydrate consumed that is important.
there is a day you do not workout WHAT?! shame on you!!

of course then you just splitt up the food onto the other meals or add a meal or what calorie intake in a 24 hour period is the most important thing...
I think I'll be doing HST every other day. On the off days, some form of cardio. Every other off day will consist of HIIT, while the other off days will be moderate-distance running (for stamina) coupled with bag work or shadow-boxing.

Training to get big on the upper body, and strong, explosive, and skilled with technique everywhere is tough. This way, I'll have a reason to keep the dextrose every day.

You know what sucks? The fact that I still feel like I should increase my lower body's size, but there really is no need. My quads and calves are ahead of the rest of my body, but I feel so incomplete not working them. I figure the quads will get hit enough (any maybe draw some anabolism) from the sprints.