Exercise list


New Member
I am currently on an 8's block, and was wondering if this is a good routine. I know these threads are annoying so please bear with me. Also, I dont see what all the hype about chest dips are, I did them on sunday and wasnt sore at all. I usually get sore in my chest every workout.

Exercise-# of sets

Squat (ATG)-2
Calf Raises-2
DB Incline BP-2
Chest Dips-2
Chins (W,N)-2
Bent-Over Rows (W,N)-2
Arnold Presses-1 (shoulder problems so no military press)
Lateral Raises-1
Rear Delt Raise-1
Upright Rows-1
EZ Bar Curls-2
External Rotations-15 Reps
Lying Leg Raise-2x15
Soreness doesn't mean everything. Did you add weight for the dips? You should be hanging weights in order to increase the load.
that is ALOT of shoulder exercises, especially for someone with shoulder problems. Are you trying to injure your shoulders or what?!

Dips are the best chest exercise on earth imo. Use a wide grip and flare the elbows out, go all the way down and stretch the pectorals, and if it too easy, hang weights from a belt. If you can do 10 dips with 100 lb.s hanging from a belt, you will likely have a huge chest and triceps, (at least strong).
For the dips, i did them after the db incline press and barely got 8 for the first set and then got i think 6 for the next, so its not like it wasn't hard. My gym doesnt have the angled bars but, they do have a dip station that is wider and yes i flared my elbows and used my chest to push.... The shoulder exercises i have don't bother me, my shoulder only is bothered when it is put in a certain postion (military press puts it in that postion)
So... how were you able to judge their effectiveness at getting you sore when you did DB incline press the same workout? Do them first next time and focus on your form. If you let gravity take you down, then it won't do as much for you. You need to lower yourself under control, which is something a few people I've seen do dips tend to neglect. Like Sci said, they are one of the best pec exercises ever and should enable you to use a greater overall load then benching can, once you get used to the movement.