Exercising for Maximum Hypertrophy

Excellent post QuantumPositron. Here is a link to a great book that brings kinesiology and the practical applications of moment arms to all major body parts.

I have spoken with Bill before, the guy knows his stuff. He does not have a web site, but if you google "Bill de Simone moment arm exercise" you can see some interviews and related info.

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/Moment-Arm-Exercise-Manual-HIT_W0QQitemZ160194086718QQihZ006QQcategoryZ62137QQcmdZViewItem
" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/Moment-....iewItem</a>
Great post QP, you explained what I was after very well!

...so now the question is, what do we do to use this knowledge to maximize hypertropy (if anything at all)?