experiment from olimpic weightlifting



As i already write on sst forum, i'm a young trainer of weightlifers and powerlifters in my club,

i arrive to know hst as i write on the same italina magazine as hst appear and because in strenght training we use always (at least) 3xweek frequency, for exemple per squat and always WITHOUT exaustion,

so i come to think that the real problem for a drug free lifter is exaustion (train too much to failure), because our lifter put on muscle mass very easy without looking at that above all in the area overused (legs for olympic lifters).

Every one (also me) had big big gain in chest muscles doing some sheiko program, that are for sure not made to hypertrophy, but are composed of at least 3 day of bench per week.

So (sorry for my english) i'd like to study a peculiar way to strenght specific workout STARTING from the hst principles.
myofibrillar (right name in english??) hypertrofi came with frequent powerfull (no failure) middle-low reps training. But was always linked with high volume.
why not low volume?? as hst propose???

Hope to be clear

ado gruzza