Extending mesocycles till you reach max weight


New Member
I was thinking if it is a good idea to extend a mesocycle (e.g. 2 weeks of 15 reps) until you reach the max weight able to lift for 15 reps.Let's say you end your 2nd week of 15's and you have gone up to 100lbs for 15 reps according to program but you feel the weight is light and you can do much more.Would you extend the cycle for 3 or 4 weeks,till you reach the strength limit or you should stick to 2 weeks?

I believe the purpose of each mesocycle is to push muscle to limits for each target rep range.

Maybe it is a reason why someone using HST doesn't see progress during 15's or 10's.But when he hits 5's where the sets are more (more volume and more exhausting) + the fact that after the end of 2 weeks the weight increases for 1 or 2 more weeks he sees the increases in weight.Personally i had my best gains during the last 2 weeks after the end of 5's.After that point my gains came to an end.

I do my SD now to get ready for next cycle.:cool:
I'm pretty sure several guys around here were doing this for a while. I know Lol was pushing for PRs at the end of each mesocycle for a while.

You won't die. The only problem you might have is that you might get fatigued but if you have zig zag going into the next mesocycle then I think you will be fine. Basically you are just extending progression. I have done HST with each mesocycle being 3 weeks long before then extending the 5s even further. Its not going to make a dramatic difference, but is it "better" to do what you propose? Maybe. Try it out and see how it works for you.