extending the 10's


New Member
can i extend the 10's for another week if I feel that my 10RM wasn't my true RM?

Or should I continue to the 5's, and simply increase the 10RM load for my next cycle?
While I'm no expert on HST I would have thought it would be best to extend your 10's for another week if you can. This will give you another week of growth, you should still be able to up the weight in your next cycle of 10's (though you would probably also have to adjust the weight of your 5's this cycle to keep that progression etc . . . . and set u up for the increased weights of your next cycle). But be extra vigilant so far as overtraining goes, if you feel it after 2 sessions I'd simply move to the 5s, you don't have to do a full week.
I extend 15s, 10s, 5s up to a workout that I trully reach failure. And still, I try to beat this on the next workout. It makes me feel good.

BUT, I also risk overtraining like this. Many times I got sick just after 1-2 workouts of continusly beating old PRs. So be carefull.
I would simply add enough weight to my 7th workout so I had to hit failure. Even if you were too optimistic and added too much weight, you can always cluster the reps or use something akin to Max Stim to hit the required number of reps.
(kidkurious @ Oct. 24 2008,7:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">can i extend the 10's for another week</div>
(kidkurious @ Oct. 25 2008,12:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">can i extend the 10's for another week if I feel that my 10RM wasn't my true RM?</div>
No! Oh, all right then, yes.  

Don't get overly worried if you think you could have managed a bit load or an extra rep or two for any one session during a cycle. As long as the loads are going up over the cycle you will eventually be working with as much load as you can manage for 5 (or fewer) reps per set. Strain on the muscle tissue will be increasing and as long as you keep the number of reps roughly constant, work done will likely be increasing for much of the cycle too – all good for hypertrophy. Then you just have to make sure that your nutrition will pass muster.

You can always test for new RMs at the end of a cycle.
I was about to post a question on this subject and then saw this thread. Not to hijack kid's thread but I thought I would post the question here since I find it relevant and the answer may also help add more knowledge to this subject.

Way back once upon a time in a land far far away I thought I would &quot;better&quot; basic HST and just skip the 15s and 10s altogether. I did this for 2 cycles straight and it worked ok for those. It also blew out most of my joints and tendons in a way that I got full blown tendinitis in my forearms and right knee (no surprise - previously injured it badly as a kid) and pains and pops in everything else.

I'm just one of these people with super weak joints and I can't push it with them or else. I have learned my lesson.

I am just now recovering from this with 15s and 10s and I CANNOT go to 5 rep max weights, as I know I will blow out my knee and forearms once again and have to start ALL over. So I'm staying with 10s during this cycle and may for the next couple of cycles.

MY question is this. If I carry out my 10 rep maxes for two more weeks and during that time or over another two weeks raise this weight as my strength and joint/tendon tolerance goes up, what do I do for the NEXT cycle?

Would it be ok just to work this new found max in the next cycle and then try to increase upon that, or increase over my new found max for my next cycle?

If I confused anyone please let me know as I seriously can't go back to the 5s right now!
Nothing fabtastically binding about 15 , 10, and 5 could just as easily be 16 , 12 , and 8 if that fit the individual better.
(The Long Run @ Nov. 20 2008,12:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Would it be ok just to work this new found max in the next cycle and then try to increase upon that, or increase over my new found max for my next cycle?</div>
Use whatever max you end up with for the next cycle. IOW you extend your 10's to a new max of 100 lbs.

Your next cycle would look like (assuming increases of load by 5lbs.

WO1=75, WO2=80, WO3=85, WO4=90, WO5=95, WO6=100
(MasterCFI @ Nov. 20 2008,6:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Where might I find the max-stim calculator I've heard about?

Do you mean the max size calculator? I never made a max-stim calculator. If you are talking about the max-stim spreadsheet look at the max-stim thread in the general training forum.
(kidkurious @ Oct. 24 2008,5:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">can i extend the 10's for another week if I feel that my 10RM wasn't my true RM?

Or should I continue to the 5's, and simply increase the 10RM load for my next cycle?</div>
I know you've already gotten several good responses but I thought I'd add my $0.2.

I would leave your weight loads as they are for this cycle and then add weight to your planned max days for the next cycle.
