</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bob Evans @ July 11 2002,04:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1) Arginine (6 grams/day) (the powder tastes like dog farts)
2) Lysine (4 grams / day)
3) Ribose (2grams / day)
4) Potassium Bicarbonate (2 teaspoons mix with 1 Gal water sipped thru-out the day)[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Arginine - worthless
Lysine - Worthless
Ribose - usually worthless (research shows nuttin), some rare people get somehting out of it, but then again some rare person gets something outta biotin
Bicarb - Can be usefull, but not sipped throughout the day. If you are doing a highly lactic acid producing training (15's) then taking it before training might be useful. But it doesnt really make much of a difference.
2) Lysine (4 grams / day)
3) Ribose (2grams / day)
4) Potassium Bicarbonate (2 teaspoons mix with 1 Gal water sipped thru-out the day)[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Arginine - worthless
Lysine - Worthless
Ribose - usually worthless (research shows nuttin), some rare people get somehting out of it, but then again some rare person gets something outta biotin

Bicarb - Can be usefull, but not sipped throughout the day. If you are doing a highly lactic acid producing training (15's) then taking it before training might be useful. But it doesnt really make much of a difference.