Fausto's Log


HST Expert
Hi All

Seeing that my last log disappeared, I have to re-post and so, this is my current log:

Deadlifts / Squats - These are the only 2 alternated

15° B/B benchpress + Dips
Chins (underhand close grip) + Pendlay Rows (BB)
Military press + Lateral raises
Incline Curls + Pushdowns

All of the above are done in superset format, rest only between supersets...so far so good.

The setup is as per std. HST - 15/10/5 and possibly negatives.

Started with 1 superset for 15's and currently doing 2 for the 10's, don't know if I'll manage 3 for the 5's but should hold out at least on the first week.

It is going good and is keeping me lean (no...not on a cut...I'd say maintenance but I am not counting cals or anything like that) but the food qty is pretty constant.
Fausto - How much rest between workouts do you get?

Your tri's must be insanely dense to be able to handle what you throw at 'em! I use a very similar susperset-oriented structure to my workout, but I know for a fact I wouldn't survive yours! Keep it up!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto - How much rest between workouts do you get?</div>

As I pointed out in the title, twice p/week workouts thus 2 days and three days respectivelly, I like to keep it Mondays and Thursdays.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your tri's must be insanely dense to be able to handle what you throw at 'em!</div>

My arms ain't that big (15.5&quot;) but yeah the triceps are my pride and Joy!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I use a very similar susperset-oriented structure to my workout, but I know for a fact I wouldn't survive yours! Keep it up! </div>

I think it is ok with the 2x/week setup, my partner gets winded and complains that his arms are so pumped at the end of the workout that he can't even drive home properly! he, he, he

This is why I wonder whether I can keep it up into the 5's, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there!

Started the 5's. On my 3rd workout so far!

Forgot to mention that I am extending the mesocycles to 3 weeks instead of 2, because of reduced frequency.

Reeling with squats though, wonder why? My form has dropped somewhat or maybe it was just a bad day, I tend to go forward when going back up out of the hole. Maybe I should just hang in this weight for another one or two workouts will see.

Seems to me the lack of creatine makes a huge difference.
I've actually considered dropping creatine for a cycle, just to see if I noticed a difference anymore. But you say that you can tell? I'm sure you'll make a good decision about the squats, I'd hate to see you in the same lower back situation as I was last week
Fausto - The squat behavior you mentioned happens to me almost every single time I drop my head. Are you keeping your head up through the whole movement?

Good luck through the 5's!
Thanks Gator and Tim.

Gator...my lower back hurt a little but not enough to put me down, guess I got to look out for my form.

Tim...yeah...partner basically &quot;kaked&quot; (coloquial Afrikaans for crapped all over me)
me out and told me I was gowing forward, maybe I just did not warm up my lower back enough, I only did one set of warm up (50 Kg), then jumped (87 Kg) and did my 3 sets, will be oin the look out though!

Thnaks chaps. Now for deads today, should be fun!
Twice a week - great opportunity for strength gains beyond the usual from higher frequency! Looks like you're doing well - you looked great in the last pics I saw of you. Good luck!!!
Thanks Russ

What should I do about the lackof creatine? Seems to be missing, think I can overcome it by using carbs well?

Its coming along nicely but I am not using any zigzag,perhaps that is why I'm feeling it, also I'm using a 3 week period for each rep range.

The high frequency is taking its toll, I'm dropping the supersets for a normal alternated A/B routine, taking too long to finish (90 minutes).
ive tried twice a week and i liked it,it gives you the chance to work closer to your max's.

i came off creatine years ago,it worked ok but was for the most part water.it gave me strength and stamina which helped me get through some plateus, which is a good thing.i put on 7lbs when i started and lost 7lbs when i stopped

anywho keep up the good work fausto
Yeah, I got movement!

Thanks, Icars. Yeah twice p/week is a fine setup, pitty I had to drop the superset thing, maybe I'll just keep the ones I feel are lagging parts.

One that I think is my back, I'm pushing nicely for Chins, up to 28 Kg for 5's supersestted with 63 Kg bent over (chest supported on bench) but I'm unhappy with my back.

Oh, wait a minute my food intake ain't that great, maybe that is why? hey?
When I powerlifted in college creatine supplements may have existed but we certainly hadn't heard of them . We did however sip carb shakes before and DURING our w/o's (a fruit smoothy would work nicely) , this may help - remember to sip though , cleaning semi- digested shakes off your bench would suck if you're prone to nausea while lifting on a full stomache.
Just an idea that maybe you can use.
I started sipping on GATORade and have noticed my stamina has been able to stay up a bit longer.  If anything, it taste better than plain water  
.  Good bit of carbs in it.
Thanks Russ.

Today's workout was not bad with added carbs, a fruyit juice powder that my kids use, went great.

OPnl;y thing thaty is starting to worry me was a slight sharpish pain in my &quot;ticker&quot;,hope its nothing serious but I think I netter get a ECG done soon!

Never had problems in the family of this kind, execept my half brother who has a &quot;murmour&quot; he'salright though but isnot an athlete.

Just a thought, what you guys think?
(Fausto @ Aug. 03 2007,12:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks Russ.

Today's workout was not bad with added carbs, a fruyit juice powder that my kids use, went great.

OPnl;y thing thaty is starting to worry me was a slight sharpish pain in my &quot;ticker&quot;,hope its nothing serious but I think I netter get a ECG done soon!

Never had problems in the family of this kind, execept my half brother who has a &quot;murmour&quot; he'salright though but isnot an athlete.

Just a thought, what you guys think?
I am only 26 and had an odd acute pain in my &quot;ticker&quot; for the past two days as well. It only occured when I breathed out and started after a very intense HIIT cardio session.

After day two my wife suggessted I take some aspirin, which I did before bed last night. Coincidently I feel fine as of today. I am hoping it was actually only something in my left pec, not the heart.
Get it checked Fausto. It can only help to know that everything is fine and if there is a problem you want to know that too.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">After day two my wife suggessted I take some aspirin, which I did before bed last night. Coincidently I feel fine as of today. I am hoping it was actually only something in my left pec, not the heart.</div>

I was worried about that before, and I went to the doctor. He tested BP, pulse, oxygen levels, and listened to my heart and lungs. Everything was fine. Diagnosis: nerve pain.
Thnaks guys.

I'lldefenitely have it checked today,after choir parctice. Today at chucrh I was getting some dizzy spells,and the pain is still there.

I wonder if it is somewhat muscular as I did chets supported pendlays,but the pain was there when I wasdoing bench before that, funny it didn't pain then but imediatelly afterwards,hopefully the doctor is not going to give me some retarded &quot;sentence&quot; like you can't push weights...I don't think I could ever stop.
(Fausto @ Aug. 04 2007,09:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hopefully the doctor is not going to give me some retarded &quot;sentence&quot; like you can't push weights...</div>
That would be time for a new doctor!