First serious HST try, lots of q:s though

if you want to go to faliure on tha last day of your 2wk cycle thats ok because you have 2wks before faliure again plenty of time for your cns to recover.
For RM workouts I just stop when I reckon I could get one more rep at best. That works well for pushing movements like bench and shoulder press. For pulling movements like deads, chins or rows, if I start to stall out on a rep I just stop. I find that fatigue builds up suddenly for some exercises and more gradually for others and that load/rep range plays a big part too.
Faz: yes I agree.
Lol: Yes I have noticed that too, on big exercises, doing just that one extra rep may be the difference from being recovered in time or not til next w/o.
(Sniggel @ Oct. 12 2006,07:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Because if 100% of 15RM is around 65%(?) of 1RM then 50% of 15RM is 32.5% of 1RM then it seems to me it should be too low to stimulate enough load on the muscle.</div>
Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Actually some of the guys say to take your 5-20lb increments back to about 50% and start there, repeating weights until you get to the point where you can increase every week.

I just did smaller increments my first time, some of the weights started pretty darn low anyway, and I gained 30lbs. I can't credit the whole thing to the workout because there were several factors involved, eating enough for the first time, getting some endocrine and hormonal issues fixed (I'd refused my doc's reccomendation for TRT for a long time and finally took it), proper nutrition timing to get a hyperinsulin state after every workout.

However, I did make more gains using these light workouts than I ever did in any two month period before.

Right now, because my hormones are finally regulated and I'm not having giant upswings of my own test spiking above the TRT dosage (it was doing that before, going high normal then going to that of an 87 year old woman (pituitary dysfunction). The first month of therapy, I'd go from nonexistant, to low normal, to that of an IBBF pro then low again.

Now that I'm just maintaining a normal level I'm not gaining weight but am maintaining between 202 and 203, same workout style, and looking leaner every week - eating very high calories. Getting leaner with a caloric excess = building muscle. So I have to give a lot of the credit to the workouts - even though the weights are so light sometimes. Remembering that it's the progression and frequency that follows the SD is what makes it work.

You could get exactly the same results lifting at maximum weight and adding more pounds or more reps every workout too. But putting out that kind of effort every workout - how long would it take to get overtrained and injured?

I know it's hard to get past thinking, &quot;this doesn't feel like a workout&quot; on the lightweight days. I absolutely hate the week or two where the weights feel like a warmup day instead of a workout day....but I love the results enough to live with it.

I think that you will too if you just stick to it and see what happens.
Yes, I will keep an open mind and forget about the pink cow on my shoulder who say &quot;Dont go below 65% 1RM!, put on more!&quot;
Otherwise I will never know if it works or not.
I feel I have all information I need now to start.
Just gonna do some maxes for bench and squat for an amateur competition before I start testing my 10s and 5s then do the SD.