Focusing on lagging chest - pre-exaust or not?

As for the pic, I'll post one on my 65th birthday in 2 years. Kind of a milestone. I just don't get why anybody would want to see me almost nekid but it takes all kinds...not that that is necessarily wrong!    
   I challenged Chris Shugart to a posedown 3 years ago on my 60th birthday on T Nation with the members deciding the winner but he wimped out. Of course, I wanted free supplements but he, at least at that time, must have felt he would lose.  

Anyway, my stats are chest 47+", arms 17+", waist 33-34" depending on if I have my period or not, legs 25", neck 161/2" at 5'8" and currently 181 pounds. I do not do singles anymore because of the risk of injury so I do not know my specific strength. My best guage is probably dips whereby I currently add 125 pounds for 8 reps. My typical weighted incline DB press I use about about 1-1/4 times my weight for reps of 12.

As for my workouts, while I follow HST pretty closely and do the progressive load as recommended, I do slow my tempo down quite a bit when I begin a rep cycle so that I am working closer to failure more of the time than the average HST devotee. I do this because my workout scheme is to hit each bodypart only twice over an 8 day period. I used to do giant sets but find that I now get better results if I take 3 to 4 minutes between exercises. That allows me to use heavier weights and not let fatigue determine how close I get to failure. The age factor plays a role in there too I am sure.
Very impressive O&G...very impressive.

Thats a good chest / arm measurement at your heigh and weight!

This is very inspiring!
OHO! 3 more reps than me at the dips...I have to start doing these things again; my new assignment!
Sounds good as usual O&G, and I also take my time between sets. Necessary.