For HST experts !!


New Member
Hello !

Since I discovered HST principles , I study them in order to start well my first cycle.

However I have a question :

Can I use HST principles for only one muscle or one muscular group ?

You think that it is probably an useless question , but as I'm at school ( 8h30 a.m. - 17h30 p.m. ), I can eat what I want and also I can't sleep enough ( only 7 hours...)

I think this question can resolve my problem...

Thanks for your answers !
The most efficient way is to utilize compound exercises when doing HST. If time is an issue then it's the best way. You could take it to the extreme and set up a cycle of three exercises. For example, bench, squat and pull ups. Do a warmup up of each and one work set of each. That would be a total of six sets which take about a minute each. Rest for a minute or so and your total workout would take 15 minutes.

No need to waste time hitting one muscle when you can hit your entire body in as little as 15 minutes.

Ok if I understand , it 's possible ,

Concerning rest time ,only 6 hours of sleep may not be enough !

And even if if reduce my work with 3 big lifts , i will increase my amount of calories and protein !

Shall I increase this amount as tough I do a normal workout ?

Answers are welcome !!!!
Yes, if you want to gain mass you will need to increase your calories. You will have to experiment but 16-20x your bodyweight will work. You will still gain even with a very simplified workout.

I wouldn't worry about the sleep too much. It would be nice to get 8 hours every night but if you can't then you can't. I only get about 6 hours myself.

Like keystone, I often get only 6 hours or less sleep. I have made some pretty good gains even so. Sleep is great but you will still grow even if you don't think you are getting enough. I guess the study that shows muscle growth can take place under constant loading backs this up? (although I don't remember any mention of unloading during sleep time or how much time for sleep was taken).
I'm worried about sleep because when I do a workout during school , I always sleep in the bus and miss my bus stop !

Concerning calories , Keystone said that I have to eat 16-20x my body weight even with a shorter but full body wokout : in my case I will eat 2900 calories.

I'm at school from 7h30 a.m. to 6h30 p.m. ( including time to go at school !

Eat 2900 calories seems to be quite complicated !

Is there are any ideas to resolve this problem ?
Health should always be one's top priority in life. Lifting is just a very small part of maintaining health although it becomes progressively more inportant as one ages to compensate for arthritis, osteoporosis, inactivity, etc. Therefore, my suggestion would be to fit your lifting into the schedule you have. You can only do so much in life. You will have more time to lift as you get more settled in life. Eating is always a problem when you are woking or going to school. If you can afford it, take some energy bars with you, protein shakes in a thermos, fruit etc. and get some extra nourishment between classes. If you can't, don't sweat it. You are now priming your muscles for a big spurt when you do have the time to feed them in the future.
Old and Grey's answer seems to be the unique solution...

Maybe he's right , school and good HST at the same time would be impossible

I should make my HST during my summer holidays only!

what's your opinion ?
Hold on Matey! I didn't mean to imply that you should not lift. Just that you should fit it into your schedule where you can...not try to fit your schedule around lifting. Everyone should be able to find 30 minutes a day for 3 days per week to do a decent program using compound movements . If you can't, then you're already on overload and need to re-think how much you think you can do at one time. Just remember, lifting is for recreation. Enjoy it and don't fussbudget about it.
O & G's right!

Don't sweat it! Prioratize your time, find 30 minutes and slip in a good program with the big five, should pay you right!
I found in school working out kept me sane. You it can be just a few lifts, as mentioned above "the big four". It can be just 30mins 3 to 5 times a week. But I found it helped me focus. So I actually gained time by working out

You should have the time, under the most time critical circumstances.

You could always super set the big lifts 2 to 3 days a week.

Like the guys said the big lifts

I dont see why you couldnt do this 3 times a week

Bench press supersetted with Rows
1 min rest repeat

Shoulder press supersetted with Squats
1 min rest repeat

Workout 2

Dips supesetted with Chins

Dumbell press with squats/ deadlifts

if all you ever did were these lifts with a little bit of supplemental rear delt work, you would grow!
Couldn't get any better either than physically "spoon feeding"!

Your on track mate, now hit the weights and tell us the "side effects"
not been on for a week now..just noticed o&g back on nice to have you back mate
sorry to hijack the thread
(NoMercy @ May 21 2006,12:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Old and Grey's answer seems to be the unique solution...

Maybe he's right , school and good HST at the same time would be impossible

I should make my HST during my summer holidays only!

what's your opinion ?</div>
If you want to do something badly enough you will make time for it. It seems to me that the guys have all explained ways to do something rather than nothing in the minimal amount of time. If your lifting is important to you, you will make time for it, however busy you think you are right now. Believe me, there are folks out there who have very busy lives but who still make the time to fit in several workouts a week.

I remember when I was at college, I often had to train early in the morning before classes. I had a 2/3 mile cycle ride to the gym and back too. I hated training early but it was the only way to fit it in.

There's an old saying that goes something like this: &quot;If you want something done go ask a busy person&quot; simply implying that it's often someone who has a lot to do that will find a way to fit in something else. Good time management, whilst difficult to master, is an excellent skill to pursue.

(Get's down off soap-box.
Good point Lol. Just trying to organise your day properly (not just to fit training in) is an excellent skill that a surprisingly large amount of people just do not possess.

Again, its just 30 minutes. Either train early in the morning or late evening (11pm might be a bit too late but you get my point).
Thanks guys !

You are right ! I will find enough time to make a workout!

Old and Grey and Keystone have already partly answered to one of my question concerning calories intake : If I only do the Big lifts , I have to increase my calories intake even when I am at school !

With only those big lifts , Would I have to eat calories like a normal HST ?

My second question is : In a school period , we can't eat more than 3 or 4 meal : It is very restrictive if I want gain mass ?
(NoMercy @ May 22 2006,08:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My second question is : In a school period , we can't eat more than 3 or 4 meal : It is very restrictive if I want gain mass ?</div>
Why is it restrictive? You just need to eat more during each sitting.

There is nothing saying you have to eat 4-6 meals a day to grow, you just have to eat enough. Eating more often just makes it easier.
ok I think Dan Moore is right !

But concerning the quantity :Do I have to eat the same quantity of calories even with the 3 Big lifts ?

A reply to this question and I would be ready to make a good HST , even at school !!