forum going slow


Active Member
whats happening,the forum seems to be slowing down nowadays,where is everyone fausto,tot,dan,etc.
Yeah, it does seem very quiet here lately. The only stuff that's regularly updated is in the log section.

I guess there's nothing much new to talk about really. Answers to a lot of HST questions can be found in the plethora of historical threads and the FAQs, so my guess is that folks new to HST are smart enough to do some trawling to see if they can find the info they are after before asking new questions.

I'd like to see all Dan's old hypertrophy research info back up on the web along with some more recent research papers.

Perhaps we need a new Martin Levac to bring everyone crawling back out of the woodwork?!
im certainly not one of the vets you were thinking of but ive been around for a while and used to post a fair amount but not much anymore. like LOL mentioned a lot has been discussed already and with overall forum traffic way down the only real areas that get discussed are logs and w/o selection etc (espec. beginners). it just so happens i dont have much interest in those areas. i keep my own log but have never been interested in posting it and exer. selection can be such an indiv. thing that after yrs of input im just not into it anymore.

i really enjoyed the diet discussions (that was my thing) and really felt what i learned as well as shared was really beneficial but those discussions are so few and far between ive migrated over to lyles site.

i still like HST, i still use the principles and probably always will. i check in to the forum from time to time, mainly to see how LOL and mikey are getting along but with the traffic so far down and not many topics of interest i just havent been inspired to post much in a long time.
(Lol @ Nov. 06 2009,12:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I guess there's nothing much new to talk about really. Answers to a lot of HST questions can be found in the plethora of historical threads and the FAQs, so my guess is that folks new to HST are smart enough to do some trawling to see if they can find the info they are after before asking new questions.</div>
You sir are an optimist.
Well, I've been here since 2002, and tend to agree with LOL's input above.... and infact generally...

and also, with what Electric said!

I think there's a limit to what to ask or discuss, re HST, but I do think that there's always room for discussion on diet, and supplements.

I also like to see humour (humor?) on forums...? Maybe we could have a 'joke' section?

Ya, I'm not following any program for now, but jumping all over the place (with some strength stuff in mind) like a maniac on Westside, but I'm posting it.
(quadancer @ Nov. 07 2009,9:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ya, I'm not following any program for now, but jumping all over the place (with some strength stuff in mind) like a maniac on Westside, but I'm posting it.</div>

Is that through choice? Or circumstances, ie; domestic reasons etc...?

I ask, because I 'need' to have a set routine/plan to follow.
If I dont, it all goes to pot. I end up not training enough, not eating enough, and not making any progress, or even the opposite - training too much and eating rubbish - and losing mass.

Thats why, as much as I love Xmas and holidays, and all that, the break from my regular routine, really messes me up, and I end up losing muscle and gaining belly excess!

Thats one of the reasons I like HST so much. The routine works out every weight, for every session, before I even begin.
On my old HIT syle routines, it was more hit and miss whether I increased weights, which workouts I did so, and by how much.

And likewise, I plan carefully my diet, as best as I can too.

Whats a maniac on Westside?


Twitter - do you think this could be the cause? It's ironic - people will hang on the 140 charactors of a complete stranger they'll never meet - but a simple 5 letter &quot;hello&quot; and a real smile to someone they pass in the street never crosses their mind...
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 08 2009,9:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Twitter - do you think this could be the cause? It's ironic - people will hang on the 140 charactors of a complete stranger they'll never meet - but a simple 5 letter &quot;hello&quot; and a real smile to someone they pass in the street never crosses their mind...</div>
What is this real smile you talk about? Is that when you force your face muscles to mimic an
? That's odd, why should I do that? &lt;/sarcasm&gt;
Brix: wrong mindset for this. I look at this as my &quot;free time&quot; and am doing the accessory exersizes and hitting one of the 3 bodyparts heavy each session. Today was heavy back, having done legs to death yesterday. So, chins @ 10xbw, 10x45, 8x60, 8x70 and 6x90. Pendlays, 225x8, 275x6, 315x6, 335x3, 365x2, 315x8. Fullstack pulldowns (265x10x2 sets) Cambered curls, 75x10, 115x8 x8 x8 x10.
Now, when I went in, I had NO IDEA what I was going to do. I consider this to be fun. I will not get weaker during this vacation. I also expect to get my bench back up.
Then, like you, I will choose another program and run it, according to my needs.
No time for Twitter, Facebluk or WasteSpace. Too busy being a maniac.
(Brixtonian @ Nov. 06 2009,11:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well, I've been here since 2002, and tend to agree with LOL's input above.... and infact generally...

and also, with what Electric said!

I think there's a limit to what to ask or discuss, re HST, but I do think that there's always room for discussion on diet, and supplements.

I also like to see humour (humor?) on forums...? Maybe we could have a 'joke' section?

I think there was an internet blitz for a while, but now basically all the current information is out there. We know for a fact that any nonretarded weight lifting program that progresses load will 'work'. we know vis a vi diet that it's calories in vs calories burned for gaining and losing, and health consideration dictate what you should eat. And as far as supplements go, we know the vast majority of them are useless crap.

Not much room to talk about much else, unless it's new research of some kind that either adds something new to the equation or over turns somethin we thought we already knew. If Bryan were to put his book out I'm sure that would spark some debate.
(quadancer @ Nov. 08 2009,8:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Brix: wrong mindset for this. I look at this as my &quot;free time&quot; and am doing the accessory exersizes and hitting one of the 3 bodyparts heavy each session. Today was heavy back, having done legs to death yesterday. So, chins @ 10xbw, 10x45, 8x60, 8x70 and 6x90. Pendlays, 225x8, 275x6, 315x6, 335x3, 365x2, 315x8. Fullstack pulldowns (265x10x2 sets) Cambered curls, 75x10, 115x8 x8 x8 x10.
Now, when I went in, I had NO IDEA what I was going to do. I consider this to be fun. I will not get weaker during this vacation. I also expect to get my bench back up.
Then, like you, I will choose another program and run it, according to my needs.
No time for Twitter, Facebluk or WasteSpace. Too busy being a maniac.  

I envy your attitude.

My missus quite often accuses me of arranging my/our day around my gym time!

In many areas of my life, I am very disorganised, unplanned and even spontaneous - so this is one of the areas that I really work hard to be consistent and progressive in.
To achieve that is a great, and psycological boost for me.

I dont think I would have the courage to be 'random' - if that's an appropriate word?

Sure, when I'm in the gym, I might alter some exercises -ie; do dips instead of bench, if the benches are in use - or swap the 'running' order of the routine - again to fit in with how busy the gym might be?

But I certainly have an idea of what I'm gonna do, how many exercises and sets, any pulse or burn movements.

It also allows me to know how long I'm gonna be at the gym too.... I think that if I just worked on 'feel' and 'burn' alone, I could end up being hours in there... and that wouldn't go down very well at home!
(Or when I train before work)

Its all individual, I know.
Maybe one day?

Thanks for your input. Food for thought as always...

I also have a list of exersizes that are specifically used for strength training in the 3 lifts, and this dictates WHAT I might do when I get there. It's not as totally random as I may make it sound. The biggest mistake I've made this year was benching for 3 months straight; it killed my bench numbers.
I was an avid poster, but I have been caught up in my exams and other doings keeping me from working out much let alone posting. Exams are over for now so I am back at it!
My workouts are preset one to two months in advance, including the weights to be used. I need discipline plus I rather enjoy the planning aspect as it makes me think and rethink what I want to accomplish next.

As for the forum, I agree with Xahrx. You can beat a dead horse for only so long. Where HST has erred is in its apparent lack of recruiting new members. That would keep the forum going strong but it would be a bit repetitive. I only check in once per week or so now. I usually haven't missed anything. I do kind of miss the &quot;old days&quot; when we would have lively debates with guys like Vince, or Dan reporting in on the latest new research findings.
You see this in all forums: guys come in, do the deed for a few years, become masters at the art and participate in the forums, then get tired of answering noob questions, then denigrate to just watching favored posts (like me) and often just fall off from boredom or other interests. It's just the nature of the beast, and O&amp;G is right: new recruits keep things alive, but it's redundant to the oldtimers by then.
Having switched to powerlifting, I shouldn't even be in here, but I consider a lot of you guys my friends...and there IS that friendly comp between me and know, that little brit weakling over on the foggy side?