All right, time for a little update.
First I should probably mention that the "sex & training"-thread ( and;t=1187 ) inspired me to experimented a little with abstinence. Since I recently broke up with my gf anyway, I thought I might as well... I didn't count, but after about a week my gym performance went crazy - I managed to push my 15-rep-max by 40lbs on deadlifts. This, combined with an acne breakout and an irritable temper has led me to believe that there might be some truth to the study mentioned in that second thread. Even though there is always a placebo effect, I think my test level actually rose as well. After about ten days a bad case of painful testicular vasocongestion forced me to abandon the experiment.
Now I'm back to my old self, but I'll definitly keep this in mind when the heavy part of the 5's is coming up...
15 reps
Deadlifts 2x70kg (154 lbs)
Incline dumbbell press 2x16kg (35lbs per hand)
Dumbbell row 2x16kg (35lbs per hand)
Overhead dumbbell press 2x10kg (22lbs per hand)
Had to abandon pullups - my forearms were so worn out after the deadlifts I couldn't even get through the warmup set.
10 reps - first workout
Squat 3x80kg (176lbs)
Pullup 3x -15kg (33lbs assistance, last set clustered)
Dip 3x -10kg (22lbs assistance, also last set clustered)
Dumbbell row 3x19kg (41lbs per hand)
Tricep pushdown 2x21kg (46lbs)
My pullup is unreliable as usual. I'm thinking of doing it Max-Stim-style instead. Also, this workout took about one hour and twenty minutes - where did the time go? That's an average of over five mins per set... In my previous cycles, I've only done 2 sets for my 10's, that third set might be messing it up a little. Gotta be more economic with my time...
As for diet I've been a little lazy the last few days - mostly been drinking oatmeal and peanut butter-shakes. I love my blender. Trying to catch up a little on my studies though - exams coming up, and cooking just takes too much time at the moment. I'm getting my calories, so there shouldn't be a problem as long as I don't get stuck in the habit.
Cheers everyone!