
New Member
hi, im about to start my first cycle of HST and have a qustion.

1. Because im used to doing max effort every workout, and this HST program will seem lighter, should i keep my calrie intake above the maintenence level? should i still keep it higher during my SD Cycle? Thanks
You need to keep your caloric intake up to meet the physical demands your body will be stressed with. Hitting your muscles three times a week versus once will require all the calories to help with keeping the soreness down.

During your SD Cycle I would recommend cutting back on the caloric intake unless you want to gain a couple extra pounds.

Good luck...at the end of 2 months...you'll love the results
In addition, you shouldn't really decrease the weekly volume of training when you start HST. For example, if you did 9 total sets/week for chest before, when you use an HST routine you should still get in 9 total sets for the week.

So all in all, you won't be cutting the amount of exercise you are getting. True, the weights might be a bit lighter initially, but that should not effect your caloric needs.