Gaining Lots of Mass in Days w/o AAS


New Member
I just finished a bulk cycle and went from ~191 @ 13% bf to ~206 @ 15% bf. An accomplishment I thought was impossible without the use of AAS. I just started lifting legs this cycle after lifting 5+ years so I attribute a lot of gain to that. However the rest is all HST. Thanks Brian!

Anyhow, enough bragging...I notice that my glycogen stores were through the rough when I first started HST (3 cycles back). I was doing 2 sets of 15s, as I did not read some of the FAQ correctly. I was also doing the sets with about 30-60 secs rest.I now do 1 set in the 15s, 2 in the 10s, and 3 in the 5s w/ about 2mins of rest. However, I don't seem to be holding onto glycogen like I was with more volume.

My question is...Can you maximize glycogen AND continue to see similar strength increases? I was trying to think of a list of what can be done to increase glycogen and get the larger puffier look, here is what i came up with.

1) Increase volume to however many sets you can do without feeling exhausted and crappy post workout (ie 2-3 sets of 15s, but stopping short on sets 2 & 3 if nearing failure.)

2) Decrease rest time between sets (30-60secs seems like a good spot)

3) Proper nutrition, w/ increased carbs (i put this one in here, but i am not sure increased carbs are necessary. when i was bulking i had more carbs than when i first started HST and yet the glycogen storage did not seem as high, even though volume was less as well.)

anyhow id like to hear what some other have to say, as i feel the weights are starting to effect my joints. perhaps a higher rep, higher volume, quicker tempo workout is just what i need. especially since i am cutting right now.
i thought of another while i was lifting today.

4) squeeze each rep with a hard flex at the peak of each rep. (this seems to really help to get the blood flowing to the specific muscles i am trying to hit with each exercise.)
almost 50 people have read this and not one response? any vets want to chime in?

i was also thinking...

drop sets are often added to the end of a cycle. why not add them throughout the cycle to build up lactic acid and increase glycogen?

you could do a light drop set and go 2-3 reps shy of failure. wouldn't this be a good solution to those that can no longer increase frequency due to real life getting in the way?
i am in the 15s still, but i was thinking of doing so.

that way 1 set + a metabolic set should do it for the day. I am thinking this would help increase glycogen AND shorten my workouts.
I think that if it were possible to significantly increase glycogen without drugs people wouldnt take insulin to get bigger.

The only thing I can think of is to just try and maximize hGH secretion because hGH stimulate insulin secretion. Stiumuli that promote secretion of hGH are decreased fatty acids and increases amino acids in the blood; deep sleep, stress (good stress), vigorous physical activity.

Things that decrease hGH secretion are emotional deprivation, fatty acids, and obesity.
I dont know if that helps,

Joe G
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Joe G @ Jan. 27 2006,2:14)]I think that if it were possible to significantly increase glycogen without drugs people wouldnt take insulin to get bigger.
The only thing I can think of is to just try and maximize hGH secretion because hGH stimulate insulin secretion. Stiumuli that promote secretion of hGH are decreased fatty acids and increases amino acids in the blood; deep sleep, stress (good stress), vigorous physical activity.
Things that decrease hGH secretion are emotional deprivation, fatty acids, and obesity.
I dont know if that helps,
Joe G
true, we cant have the same expectations as those using assistance. however, 3 sets of 15s is painful, but seems to really put glycogen stores much higher than in the 10s or 5s.

i am just wondering if there is a way to get the best of both worlds. the muscle building benefits of heavier weights and the lactic acid build up/glycogen increase of volume.

i am going to toy around with it this cycle, but i want to hear some others opinions before i decide on how to go about doing so...

the best i can think of is to do only 1 working set in all mini-cycles (5s, 10s, 15s) along with a light drop set of 15-20 reps.