get yourselves


Active Member
a kettlebell.
they are a great cardio workout for those of you that hate normal cardio (all probably;))

but for the older guys that have back and shoulder poblems,they are great.
i am always sore after a heavy squat/deadlift day,and i always have trouble with my shoulders,but since i have used the kettlebell 16kg,it has eased the problem massively,it seems to open up the muscles in my back/shoulders from the swings/snatches.

i use it on none weight days but if your weights workout is only short it could be done after.

it shouldnt effect your growth,basicly its only like doing a physical job and 16kg isnt that heavy as the movements are basicly continous movements using the whole body.

for swings i recomend 30secs on 30secs off for as long as you feel like,personaly i use a reboc step and do 30secs swings 30secs steps.

for snatches i recomend 15secs on 15secs off for as long as you want ,or untill your form on both dips.
there are many other exercises that you can check out on you tube but these are the two basic ones.