Well, I did the first day of the 15's today. Dear LORD. lol
I did 95 pounds on the squats, 95 pounds on deadlifts, 85 pounds on stiff leg deadlifts, 85 pounds on incline bench press, body-weight on pullups and dips (and I only managed to get 12 or 13 reps on each of those), 75 pounds on barbell row, and 60 pounds on military press.
Last night I did all the calculations for the workout, and I spent about an hour doing calculations and estimating my 10RM and 15RM for each exercise. I worked it out so that I would always use a 10 pound increment for every exercise but military press, but I would always start out with a load that was at least 70% of my maximum for that rep range. So, this should be perfect.
In addition, because of the hours I work, I am GUARANTEED at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I plan on getting 8 hours every single night, and never any more than 9 hours. So that should be perfect.
It seems I've got every angle covered, here. I can't help but gain weight.
So, today in my workout, I was hurting. LOL. Doing three major compound leg exercises (squats, deadlifts, stiff-leg-deadlifts), 2 sets of 15 reps each, is TORTURE. My legs were trembling throughout the rest of my workout, which made bent-over barbell rows a little difficult.
Nonetheless, I managed to push out my 15 reps for every exercise except pullups and dips, which I'm using a different system for anyway (just adding five pounds every three or four workouts and doing as many reps as I can).
However, starting with incline press, I began to feel rather nautious. After my workout, I went to the bathroom, and knew that if I didn't puke now, I would surely puke after I took my post-workout supps (and I don't feel like wasting four bucks lol). So I went to the toilet and barfed my guts out. It was mainly water, and a little bit of oatmeal lol.
After that, I felt much better, and I drank my post-workout supplements just fine. About a hundred grams of carbs and 40 grams of protein. I figure what I might do is drink half of this before the workout, and half of it after, as that would give me about the amount that's recommended for pre-and-post-workout nutrtition in the HSN section.
So on Sunday I'll be going back to the gym for another session of high-rep torture. I figure it won't be so bad once I get to the 10's, as that's not so high-rep, and I won't have to puke.
On a lighter note, I got a pretty good pump