Getting into my 40s - Advice on training neeeded ;-)

Hey O&G,

I’m much better, it’s been one week with no pain and I think it’s time to hit the gym again, slowly but steady :)

My plan is to do an upper/lower split routine. Upper will be Mo-We-Fr and lower Tu-Th. I’m not trying to increase volume, but to increase recovery by lowering the daily workout volume, especially by reducing leg training, which seems to put most of the toll on my lower back (though I’ll be dropping squats and deads)

I’m still having some doubts on what is safe for the back. Summing up:

  • No heavy squat: would you recommend doing some light sets on the 15s? It’s hard to swallow I’ll never squat again. Squat is a love-you/hate-you thing ;)!
  • Deads: I’m going to drop them, I never liked much anyway.
  • Hyperextensions: big NO here
What would you think about this routine? (sets are taken as a starting point, I follow my body, especially on the late 10s and 5s)

[TABLE="width: 294"]
[TD] 10s[/TD]
[TD] 5s[/TD]
[TD]Flat Bench Press[/TD]
[TD] 1 [/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD] 3[/TD]
[TD]Weighted pull-ups[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD] 3[/TD]
[TD]Weighted dips[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD]Cable row (is this safe?)[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD]Seated Military Press (is this safe?)
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]

[TABLE="width: 249"]
[TD] 15s[/TD]
[TD] 10s [/TD]
[TD]Leg press[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD]Natural Glute Ham Raise[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 2[/TD]
[TD]Seated calf raises[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD]Leg extensions[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD] 1[/TD]
[TD]Abs work[/TD]

I don’t like leg curl and prefer glute ham raise, I do the natural version (you can find it here

  • Overall what do you think?
  • Is it safe the Cable Row? Should I do it on my lower day? I’m thinking it’d help warming up the hip muscles.
  • What can I do for the shoulders? I used to do military press, but I have some doubts about it
  • I’m not a fan of arm’s work, they get pretty worked out from all the other exercises, what do you think?

I’ll appreciate any input guys!
Sorry for the delay. Just got back from 2 weeks SD in Cancun.

Your program looks good to me as is. Cable rows are quite safe and I would keep them where you have them.

15 and 10 reps squats are fine. 5's may create a problem. I always do box squats even with high reps. Set the pins in the squat rack right at the where your butt hits the box and you have a great escape route if you feel any twinges. However, even with box squats, keeping the correct position of you back and not leaning forward is key to safety.

You might try face pulls for shoulders. They take the load off the back and also are great for shoulder problems. I do them seated on a 6" bench and use the low pulley apparatus. No load on the back and great for front and rear shoulders as well as rear of the traps which is overlooked a lot.

If you feel that you may need a bit more volume, look into Myo Reps for the 15's and 10's. I found them to be excellent in allowing me to increase my effective volume without overly lengthening my workout time. I just do 1 "work set" and then 2 - 5 Myo Reps (sets) depending on the number of reps in the work sets. I also used them for the 5's but am now switching to 12's and 8's only as I keep getting aches and minor pains with the 5's and let's face it, I am not to add a lot more strength at my age as I am pretty maxed out for my genetics.

As for arms, I believe you can develop very good arms without direct arm work. However, you need, in my opinion, to do some direct arm work if you want great arms. The old rule of thumb for naturals, which I think is fairly accurate, is that you need to gain 10 pounds of body weight to add 1" to your arms with direct arm work.

Good luck and stay safe.

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